Qur'anic Roots of the Shari'a, 5
The position of women,
marriage and divorce
according to the Qur'an
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English Title: What a Woman should know
about Islamic Marriage ...
German Title: Was eine Frau όber die
islamische Ehe wissen sollte ...
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Europe, more and more liberal Christians accept Islam. Many of them are young
women who converted to Islam before or after marrying a Muslim.
Not all
Muslims think and believe the same. Among them there are honorable husbands who
live better than their law orders them to. But as soon as they return to their
home country they are subject to the customs of their clan which are influenced
and formed by the commandments of the Qur'an.
is necessary for any non-Muslim to know the marriage regulations of the Qur'an,
before he or she gets married to a Muslim partner.
jurists of the four Islamic schools of law have selected 72 legally
relevant verses from the Qur'an which determine the position of the woman and
the rules of marriage. Added to these are 38 other verses that serve as
the basis for divorce.
Those 110
verses in the Qur'an represent the backbone of the law of marriage in Islam.
About a fifth of all legally relevant verses in the Qur'an deal with the
relationship between husband and wife. This shows that the problems of marriage
remain an urgent topic in Islamic jurisdiction in all centuries.
The Position of Husband and Wife in Islam
Qur'an points out that Allah created mankind out of one single soul (person)
(Sura al-Nisa' 4:1). The name of Adam is not mentioned in this verse, but it
appears 25 times in the Qur'an. Allah is said to have created a female partner
for him out of himself. Her name is not mentioned in the Qur'an at all, which
indicates her evaluation in relation to her husband. Man is the origin
according to the Qur'an, woman is something that came after.
All the
women mentioned in the Qur'an, except Maryam, 'Isa's mother, are not called by
their own names, but only as the wives of their husbands. In the Qur'an, their
names are unimportant. Their identity embedded in their husbands. In Saudi
Arabia girls and women are not registered at their birth and death. They only
receive a passport to travel when they accompany their husbands abroad.
emphasize that Allah first created Adam and not Eve (hawwa). She
is said to have been created from him, and not he from her. The man's
predominance is derived from the story of the Creation. Through those two
people Allah is said to have created all men and women.
In the
same Sura we read: Men stand above women, because Allah preferred one to
the other and because they (the men) spent from their money for them (at their
marriage and for their support). The good ones (of the women) are modest
and have preserved the hidden values which Allah preserve (Sura al-Nisa'
verse confirms the predominance of man in Islam as a divine predestination. No
modern women's movement in Islamic countries can change this determination.
Commentators of the Qur'an explain:
A man is stronger than a woman according to his
muscular strength.
A lion with his majestic mane is more splendid than a
A man is faster than a woman, as all sports
competitions prove.
are more intelligent than women, since the testimony of two Muslim women equals
that of one Muslim man in legal cases (Sura al-Baqara 2:282).
are richer, since they pay the bridal dowry, and in Paradise there live far
more men than women because men fear Allah more and fight for him with weapons!
Qur'an explicitly states that men possess more rights and reputation than women
in the Islamic society do because they rank one step higher (Sura al-Baqara
2:228c). In the same verse men are called gods and owners of their wives (bu'ulātahunna), a fact which influences all sides of
their lives.
are seen as the clothing of their husbands, just as the husbands are understood
as the clothing of their wives (Sura al-Baqara 2:187). They are to cover each
other's problems and weaknesses.
A wife
is also called a ploughed field into which the husband shall sow his seed. This
fact is repeated in the Qur'an in the following words: Menstruation is a
misery. Therefore keep away from your wives during their menstruation and do
not go to them before they are clean (again). After they have cleansed
themselves go to them as Allah has commanded you to do. Truly, Allah loves
those who return (to their wives) and he loves those who have cleansed
themselves. The wives are for you a ploughed field. Go to your field whenever
you like and send good gifts before you and fear Allah! (Sura al-Baqara
verses speak for themselves. A wife is not asked whether she is able to serve
her husband or not. She has to submit to his demands. Islam means surrender as
well as submission by free will or by force!
rights of a woman in society are limited by the Qur'an: In legal cases take
two witnesses from your men. In case there are no two men present, then take a
man and two women, whom you can accept as witnesses. Two women shall be called
instead of one man, so that one of them shall remind the other one of the
correct circumstances (Sura al-Baqara 2:282).
When an
inheritance is distributed the discrimination of the woman is repeated: She
will get only half of what a man inherits, a sister half of what the brother
receives, and a girl half of what a boy inherits (Sura al-Nisa' 4:11-13, 176).
revenge will be carried out, it must be done in the following way: A man for
a man, a slave for a slave, and a woman for a woman (Sura al-Baqara 2:178).
In that verse a woman is mentioned only after a male slave!
those verses, one can comprehend that in Islam a woman is worth only half a
man. All good talks about the emancipation of the Islamic woman will be crushed
again and again by the definite statements of the Qur'an. Those verses can be
twisted by liberal commentators, or explained in an opposite way, or are
reinterpreted by verses from the Qur'an that favor women, but the fact remains
that these verses mentioned above determine the position of the woman in Islam
in an unambiguous way. Muhammad confirmed and deepened those principles by his
oral traditions and by his way of living.
A Man and his Blood Relatives in Relation to his Wives
In the
Qur'an there are several verses which make clear the relationship between a man
and his parents which come close to the commandments in the Bible (Suras Luqman
31:14; al-Ahqaf 46:15 among others). A Muslim must be good and generous towards
his parents, must thank Allah for the mercy given to him and his parents, and
do what is right in order to receive Allah's and his parents' satisfaction. If
he has not done so far, he shall repent and become a true Muslim.
A man
shall fear and honor his blood relatives directly after Allah because they rank
right after him (Sura al-Nisa' 4:1). The closest relatives, his parents,
brothers, sisters, the brothers of his father and the sons of his siblings are
closer to him than even believing Muslims! Blood relationship is more binding
than the duty to the Islamic people (Umma) (Sura al-Ahzab 33:6)!
Qur'an does not determine anything regarding the relationship between the wives
of a Muslim and his blood relations. The wives of a Muslim rank after his
blood relations and after his religious community. A Muslim hardly has
an obligation to the families of his wives. His own clan guarantees his
protection, assistance and security (Sura al-Ahzab 33:6).
A wife,
however, rises in the respect of the clan when she gives birth to many sons.
Then she will be respected, receives consideration and thanks. Her position as
a woman remains low, only her position as a mother of sons will give her power
in the house.
Adam and his Wife In the Bible
to the second story of the Creation in the Bible, the Lord let Adam fall into a
deep sleep, took a rib from him and formed his wife out of it. Adam called her
woman because she was taken from him, the man, and corresponded
to him.
Jewish rabbis taught: "The Lord did not take the rib from the head of the
man, so that she should not reign over him. He did not take it from the legs of
the man either, so that she should not walk all over him. But he took it from
his side, so that she should be around him, clothe him, complete and assist
him. She shall be an equal partner to him and shall overcome the problems of
their life together with her husband. Both belong together as a unit. Therefore
Adam first called her woman!"
opposition to the custom in Semitic clans, husband and wife shall not be
integrated in the husband's clan, but shall leave the husband's clan for good
and build their own family (Genesis 2:22-23).
The Rights of the Husband in an Islamic Marriage
Qur'an specifies the rights and duties of the husbands as well as those of the
wives in the marriage of a Muslim.
is one of the basic rights of all Islamic men (except in Turkey, Tunisia and
Morocco). When Muhammad had to bury 70 fallen Muslims after the Battle of Uhud,
he faced the problem who should look after the numerous widows and orphans.
Therefore he let Allah reveal to him:
you are afraid of not being just towards the orphans (and the widows), then
marry of the women, whatever you think is good: one and two and three and four!
But if you are afraid of not being just towards all of them in an equal way,
then marry only one, or what your right hands possess (as regards female
slaves). That is the nearest way, so that you will not act unjustly. (Sura al-Nisa' 4:3)
revelation which changed the culture of a fifth of the world population did not
remain a temporary solution after a lost battle, but changed the defeat of the
Muslims into their greatest victory. Islam is growing faster than any other
religion by their surplus of births. However, this key verse from the Qur'an
contains several problems:
the text does not literally say "one or two or three or four",
but one and two and three and four! But the threefold
"and" is interpreted as "or" by the commentators, because
otherwise each Muslim could marry up to ten women! But for such a number all
women would not be sufficient in Islamic countries.
Qur'an speaks of "just" behavior of the husbands towards their wives
which means rooms to live in, clothing, household money, gifts, and
intercourse. These privileges are watched Argus-eyed by each of the husband's
wives in the other ones, so that no one should be preferred. That also concerns
clothing, schooling and the outfit of each wife's children. Conflict is
programmed by jealousy among the women in every harem. Therefore Muhammad said:
If you are afraid of not being able to look after them equally, then only
"one"! Liberal Muslims interpret this subordinate sentence as a
proof that Muhammad always wanted only monogamy!!
solution for a young or not so wealthy Muslim could be his right to marry slaves.
Whether he legally marries one or more free women his slaves are always under
his disposition, especially if they are attractive teenagers (Sura al-Nisa'
4:3.6 among others). There are only few limits set to the desire of a Muslim in
his right to concubines. In addition to that, slaves are not called
"people" in the Qur'an but objects or things only.
Muslim has the right to marry any Jewish or Christian woman besides his Muslim
wives (Sura al-Ma'ida 5:5).
He can
marry the wives of his adoptive sons, just as Muhammad himself demonstrated it
with Zainab b. Jahsh, the wife of his adopted son Zaid (Sura al-Ahzab 33:37).
That verse claims that Allah himself married her to him because it was predestined.
This is considered as a special grace of Allah!
the Qur'an talks several times about the exchange of wives (Suras
al-Nisa' 4:20-21; al-Ahzab 33:52; al-Tahrim 66:5). Here, commentators explain
that Muslims can legally divorce their wives and then exchange them by marrying
the divorced wives of the other man. From Saudi Arabia, however, rumors speak
about the exchanging of foreign concubines as a common custom.
A temporal
marriage (mut'a) is strictly refused by the Sunnites, although the
Qur'an mentions it (Sura al-Nisa' 4:24). The Shiites execute this right; a man
and a woman can get married for a certain time, even if it is only for one
hour. Children from such a temporal marriage always belong to the man who can
take them with him when he returns years later.
you think about polygamy in Islam and the additional rights of Muslim men you
can think that this is permanent adultery sanctioned by religion. The Bible
testifies to monogamy where one man and one woman shall be one
unit in soul, spirit and body until death parts them (Genesis 2:18.24; Matthew
19:5-6; Mark 10:2-12; 1 Corinthians 7:10-11; Ephesians 5:21-33 among others).
Such a unit in spirit, soul and body is unknown in Islam, because a husband has
to love all his wives equally. Here is a basic difference between Islam and
Christianity, which cannot be fathomed logically alone (Ephesians 5:32).
right of a Muslim to beat his disobedient wife is the last proof of
superiority of man in Islam: If you fear their obstinacy, preach them. (If
they do not obey) avoid them in the marital bed. (If they go on in their
stubbornness), beat them! As soon as they are obedient again, do not act
against them any more. Allah is sublime and great! (Sura al-Nisa' 4:34).
order in four steps given by Allah is interpreted by several commentators in a
way that beating is only allowed when a wife is suspected to intend adultery.
But in the Qur'an the word nudjus or nadjasa (bodily and moral
impurity) is not found here, but the word nuschuz (enmity and
rebellion)! In Islam, a husband can rule over his wife. She has to obey him and
her mother-in-law. Her will can be bent or broken by force.
If a
husband and his wife are willing to reconcile with each other, the man has
better rights to start or accept the reconciliation (Sura al-Baqara 2:228).
exaggerated dominance of the husband in the Islamic marriage appears also in
his right to sexual intercourse whenever he wants or is able to it (Sura
al-Baqara 2:223). The Qur'an does not speak about the wish and will of the wife
(except her protection during the menstruation).
Ramadan, the month of fasting, the Muslim has the right for sex with his wives,
as long as the sun does not shine (Sura al-Baqara 2:187).
The Marital Duties of a Muslim
does not allow a man to prefer one of his wives. At the same time, however,
Muhammad confesses that it will be impossible to love all wives with the same
intensity. Therefore he suggests to give a special reward to the neglected one,
so that she should keep quiet (Suras al-Nisa' 4:129; al-Tahrim 66:1 among
others)! Obviously this verse contradicts the basic understanding of Islamic
polygamy (Sura al-Nisa' 4:3), but offers a compromise between what should be
and what is in reality.
who has sealed his marriage compact with an oath and afterwards does not keep
his promise faithfully by not providing enough household money, clothing or
school fees for the children or neglecting one of his wives in an improper way,
should repent and atone for it. In an extreme case this repentance consists in
feeding or clothing ten poor people, or freeing a Muslim slave, or fasting for
three successive days if he does not own the money for the first obligation
(Sura al-Ma'ida 5:89).
basic order given to men by Allah, however, is the following: Go to your
wives as often as you can, visit them and sleep with them (Sura al-Baqara
2:222-223; see also al-Saff 61:2). Muslims who regularly visit their wives and
their slave concubines would be considered successful if they beget many sons.
They are not to be blamed in doing so (Sura al-Mu'minun 23:1-6).
man who had intercourse with one of his wives must clean himself before
praying, otherwise his prayer would remain worthless. If there is no flowing or
suitable water, he can wipe with his hands over sand or soil and then over his
face to show his intention to purify himself (Sura al-Ma'ida 5:6).
What is Forbidden to a Muslim in his Marriage?
analyzes the various verses of the Qur'an about this topic will find 18
different categories of women that a Muslim is not allowed to marry (Sura
al-Nisa' 4:22-24):
The wives of his own father,
even when he had divorced them.
His own
mother and his own sisters.
His own
daughters, and his own nieces (the daughters of his brothers and sisters).
All his
aunts from his father's and his mother's sides. Also the nurse that breast-fed
him and the girls that were breast-fed together with him.
mothers-in-law (the mothers of his wives).
daughters of his father from other wives than his own mother (stepsisters).
daughters of his mother from previous husbands (stepsisters).
wives of his own sons.
wives of his sons-in-law (except the wives of his adoptive sons)!
No two
sisters (except when it has already happened).
wives of other Muslims before they were divorced.
woman who is an animist or polytheist, as long as she has not become a Muslim
(Suras al-Baqara 2:221; al-Mumtahina 60:10).
adulteress who has been punished (Sura al-Nur 24:3).
men are not allowed to have affairs with women and should not have concubines
(Sura al-Ma'ida 5:5).
love affair in mosques or at sacred places is forbidden (Sura al-Baqara 2:187).
sexual contact with a wife or slave during her menstruation is forbidden (Sura
al-Baqara 2:222).
young men should live chastely until they possess enough money to marry a
woman. If they cannot wait they shall marry one of their slaves whom they
want (Suras al-Nisa' 4:25; al-Nur 24:33)
Any form of adultery is
strictly forbidden to a Muslim (Sura al-Isra' 17:32). He is punished by 100
lashes, if four eyewitnesses can describe the deed unanimously in detail (Suras
al-Nisa' 4:15-16; al-Nur 24:2-4; al-An'am 6:151). Since such testimonies rarely
correspond, men are really free to commit sexual offense in obscurity, as you
can repeatedly hear from the oil-producing countries.
above-mentioned commandments and bans for men are given by Allah to make it as
easy as possible for the man (Suras al-Nisa' 4:25; al-Ma'ida 5:6 among others)!
In the Gospel
we read Jesus' words: If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny
himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his
life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it (Matthew
according to the Gospel does not emphasize to live for the own desires, but one
partner rather serves the other out of love and sympathy. The wife shall
subordinate herself to her husband, but the husband shall sacrifice himself for
his wife (Ephesians 5:21-33). The aim and the spirit of the Gospel is opposed
to the spirit of the Qur'an especially in the understanding of marriage.
The Rights of a Woman in a Muslim Marriage
theory, a wife shall not live at the mercy of her husband without protection,
for the Qur'an demands general human rights for her. She shall be treated by
her husband like she treats him (Sura al-Baqara 2:228)!
menstruation she is not obliged to sleep with her husband, even if that means
that he misses something that way (Sura al-Baqara 2:222).
In some
Islamic countries wives, who have given birth to several sons, are entitled to
demand from their husbands that he shall be satisfied with her alone or that he
can marry only one more wife, if it becomes clear that she cannot meet all his
needs (Sura al-Nisa' 4:3).
In some
cases Muslim husbands demand for their first wife to search a second wife for
them, so that peace in the harem would be guaranteed. Sometimes the first wife
has to welcome the second wife with a solo dance at the wedding!
If a
Muslim gets very rough towards his first wife after his second marriage, and
things do not improve after an effort of reconciliation between the elders of
the man's clan and of the woman's clan, the first wife is entitled to demand a
divorce. But how can she prove her needs and her suffering? (Sura al-Nisa'
In case
of a divorce by the husband an abandoned wife has several rights:
- If she is pregnant he must
provide for her all needs until the child is born.
- If her pregnancy is not yet
clear she can stay in her husband's house for three to four further months. He
is not allowed to treat his divorced wife meanly during that time.
- If she is nursing a newborn
baby he must pay her some money until the child is weaned (Sura al-Talaq 65:6).
regulations must be documented in writing in the presence of two witnesses, if
possible one of either clan (Sura al-Talaq 65:2). In any case, all the brides
money (mahr) has to be paid in the hands of the divorced woman as her
life insurance (al-Baqara 2:236+237).
The Duties of a Muslim Wife
qualities of a good wife in Islam were prescribed by Muhammad to his own wives
as an ideal picture in several Suras.
wives shall be believing Muslims, humble, devoted to Allah and Muhammad,
repentant, obedient, god-fearing worshippers, modest and prepared to travel, to
accompany their husbands on their business trips or even in the outreach
against enemies. Muhammad did not care much whether they were still virgins or
already married! To him, it was decisive that they spend little money and live
modestly (Suras al-Ahzab 33:28, 31, 33; al-Tahrim 66:5 among others).
is nothing mentioned in the Qur'an about the education of a woman, if she
should be able to read and write, or about educating children or about her
responsibility in society and the religious community. Wives shall be at the
disposition of their husbands. That is the main purpose of their life, as the
law of the Qur'an indicates.
verses written for men are also valid for women. That way a little color comes
into the life of a woman in Islam. These verses, however, were not
chosen by the Qur'an jurists for their legislation. They restricted themselves
to the concrete and touchable matters to derive from them the commandments,
duties and bans.
all, girls and unmarried women have to protect their vagina, so that they do
not enter marriage impurely (Suras al-Mu'minun 23:5; al-Ma'arij 70:29; al-Nur
24:30; see also al-Tahrim 66:12). This quality in Mary, the mother of 'Isa ,
was one of the reasons according to the Qur'an that Allah blew his spirit
into her and that 'Isa could be born by her (Suras Al 'Imran 3:47; Maryam
19:20; al-Tahrim 66:12).
Bans for Muslim Women
are forbidden to marry any idolater, an unbeliever and an enemy of Islam (Suras
al-Baqara 2:221; al-Mumtahina 60:10 among others). But as soon as the
unbeliever accepts Islam he can marry a Muslim woman. This ban turned out to be
an effective missionary tool of Islam. For their wish to marry Muslim girls,
many non-Muslims convert to Islam.
ban for Muslim women includes all Jewish and Christian men. The Jews are called
the worst enemies of Islam (Sura al-Ma'ida 5:82) and are wrongly judged to
adore Ezra as a god (Sura al-Tawba 9:30). Christians are rejected and cursed as
polytheists, because they believe in God the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit (Sura al-Tawba 9:30). For those reasons, in most Islamic countries it is
strictly forbidden for Muslim girls to marry a Christian or a Jew.
in Sudan, the former President Turabi proclaimed that all Christians were
Muslims (Suras Al 'Imran 3:52; al-Ma'ida 5:111), in order to draw the
Christians in the first or second generation into Islam by affiliating them to
Islamic clans. (The Saudi-Arabian Fatwa council excommunicated Turabi for that
reason and called him an unbeliever.) Money from Islamic organizations lent to
young married couples accelerate conversions to Islam.
Muslim woman is also forbidden to marry a punished adulterer, because these are
allowed only to marry punished adulteresses (al-Nur 24:3).
Qur'an does not forbid a Muslim man to marry a girl who is still a minor or
even sexually immature, even when she is not yet fully mature and menstruation
has not yet set in (Suras al-Nisa' 4:127; al-Talaq 65:4)! That inhuman law was
legalized by Muhammad's marriage with Aisha, the eight-year-old daughter of Abu
Bakr. Since then, Muslims from the Gulf states often travel to India or
Pakistan to search for child brides there and to take them home as concubines,
cheap house maids or as wives. In the favor of some Islamic states it must be
mentioned that they raised the minimum age for a girl to marry to 16 or 14
years, or at least to the beginning of her menstruation.
Muslim lady doctor Nasrin from Bangladesh demanded a change of the Qur'anic
texts because of the injuries of the lower abdomen young married girls had
suffered and which she had to treat. But she was persecuted and threatened with
death by Muslim demonstrators and had to accept asylum in Sweden.
proved extra-marital intercourse or adultery of a married woman is forbidden
and judged with the punishment of 100 whiplashes, if four eye-witnesses can
testify to the event in a corresponding way (Suras al-Nisa' 4:15; al-Nur
24:2-4; al-An'am 6:151; al-Isra' 17:32).
Marriage and Money in Islam
agreements before marriage play a decisive role in a marriage contract. If
somebody gets married without such a contract signed by representatives from
both clans, he or she is not considered legally married in Islam(!) and can
therefore not demand anything in his or her marriage or at a divorce. No rights
will support him or her in an illegal marriage!
the brides money does not mean buying a bride, but it is understood as the life
insurance of the wife and her children at her husband's death or at her
divorce. The determination of the amount of the bride's money can lead to
different sums corresponding with the education or abilities of the bride, and
it must be negotiated for and agreed upon in an unambiguous way! The first half
of the money is paid to the legal representative of the bride at signing the
wedding contract or at the wedding ceremony itself, the second half must be
paid in full to the woman at the divorce. The brides money (mahr)
remains in the possession of the woman under all circumstances (Suras al-Baqara
2:229; al-Nisa' 4:24-25; al-Ma'ida 5:5; al-Ahzab 33:50; al-Mumtahina 60:10;
al-Talaq 65:5 among others).
In case
the divorced woman renounces a part of her bride's money, her gift is called a
gift for Allah and is credited to her heavenly bank account as a good deed. The
same counts for widows who renounce the full payment of the sum still due to
them (Suras al-Baqara 2:229,237,280; al-Nisa' 4:4 among others).
Qur'an speaks of "wages" that should be paid to the women for sexual
contacts. Most commentators call those obligatory payments brides money (mahr).
Others speak of extra gifts at each contact between husband and wife (Suras
al-Baqara 2:223; al-Nisa' 4:24-25; al-Ma'ida 5:5; al-Ahzab 33:5; al-Mumtahina
60:10 among others).
amount of the pre-arranged household money as well as the extra money to be
spent for the family household should be fixed in writing before the wedding. A
wife is called an ideal wife only when she is contented with little (Sura
al-Ahzab 33:31). Expensive jewelry in this world is said to be reprehensible
(Sura al-Ahzab 33:28,33). A woman shall not wear her jewelry in public (Sura
al-Nur 24:31) but shall adorn herself only for her husband.
She who
lives modestly may expect her recompense in eternity (Suras al-Ahzab 33:29,31;
Sura al-Talaq 65:5). Allah is said to make divorced women rich particularly
when they renounce part of their remaining money (Sura al-Nisa' 4:130 and the
following verses).
duty of the husband to look after his divorced wife lasts for two years if she
is nursing a child until it is weaned. If the salary for a wet-nurse is
cheaper, the father can take his child away from his divorced wife and hand it
over to a rented wet-nurse (Suras al-Baqara 2:223; Luqman 31:14; al-Ahqaf
46:15; al-Talaq 65:6).
the financial questions for a marriage, for the family life and for a possible
divorce make up a considerable part of the Islamic marriage laws! Non-Islamic
girls should under no circumstances marry their partners without a detailed
marriage contract that has been signed by witnesses, because they would be left
without rights in critical situations. A wedding in front of the legal
representative of the European or American home state is always preferable to a
wedding in front of the Muslim sheik in a mosque! As long as a European woman
marries under the laws of her secular home country, she is entitled to her
rights according to the laws of her own country, but only as long as she lives
in that country! Those questions should not remain unobserved for
"love" or be neglected for the partner's appeasing words. They are
the legal basis for the woman and the children from that marriage!
Muhammad and his Wives
None of
Muhammad's 13 wives is mentioned by name in the Qur'an. But his severe problems
with some of his wives resulted in new laws of the Qur'an!
wives of Muhammad are called the mothers of the "believers" (Sura
al-Ahzab 33:6). That way Aisha, the daughter of Abu Bakr, became her father's
mother and Hafza, the daughter of Umar b. al-Khattab, became the woman who gave
birth to her progenitor.
special qualities of Muhammad's wives can be read in the "Mirror of his
wives" (Sura al-Ahzab 33:28-33), which were already mentioned.
should take Allah and his messenger as the aim of their lives and should not
run after earthly pleasures. But if they strive for secular aims Muhammad would
adorn them and send them away.
If one
of the prophet's wives commits (an abominable) adultery the normal punishment
of 100 whiplashes will be doubled. Those who remain humbly devoted to Allah and
his messenger, however, will receive a double reward here and in eternity. His
wives are said to be different from all other women, but even if they are
humbly devoted to him, they shall not become humble towards other men, so that
those are not tempted to seduce them. Therefore they shall speak clearly to
them. Muhammad commanded his wives: Remain in your houses, do not show
yourselves like the heathens, pray, pay the taxes for religion and obey Allah
and his messenger. Allah wants to take away the impurity from you, the people
of the house, and wants to purify you completely! (Sura al-Ahzab 33:33).
Allah sanctioned the extraordinary marriage of Muhammad with the wife of his
adoptive son Zaid, so that other Muslims can also marry the wives of their
adoptive sons!! Allah himself married him to Zainab b. Jahsh after an eternal
predestination. Muhammad annulled his fatherhood of his adoptive son, in order
to be able to marry Zainab, reasoning that he was more than his father
Allah's messenger and the seal of the prophets (Suras al-Ahzab 33:37-52;
al-Ahzab 33:40 in particular). Muhammad invented his highest title of honor,
"seal of the prophets" especially to justify his adultery, a title
which, in this context, appears as a dishonorable blotch on the prophet.
also sent away several wives before he touched them, and for this he invented
the law that an untouched woman who has been sent away must not need to wait to
remarry after such a divorce (Sura al-Ahzab 33:49).
is said to have given to Muhammad as his final messenger the unique privilege
of being allowed to marry all his former divorced wives, all his slave girls,
all his "nieces", and any woman that wished to give herself to him
in case he liked her (Sura al-Ahzab 33:50-51). How different Jesus was! He
remained unmarried, holy and never fell into temptation. The sexual behavior of
Muhammad reveals his spirit. He thought of the great impurity of his wives
(Sura al-Ahzab 33:33) and projected his own unclean thoughts into them.
In the
following verse, however, Allah forbade Muhammad to marry more women or to
exchange them, even if their beauty would lure him. But that commandment did
not comprise his slaves who were always under his disposition as his property
(Sura al-Ahzab 33:52).
the lawyers of the Qur'an a quarrel started on the problem whether verse 52 or
verse 50 of Sura 33 was revealed finally. According to the Qur'an, verse 52 is
the later revelation from Allah, by which Muhammad was judged because of his
dissipated conduct. To avoid that, other Qur'an jurists claim that the last
revelation is really the first one and that verse 50 abolishes and annuls verse
52! In order to legalize his sexual behavior Muhammad himself rejected revealed
verses from the Qur'an!
Muhammad defended his right in all his slave women several times in the Qur'an
(Suras al-Ahzab 33:50-52; al-Tahrim 66:1; see also al-Nisa' 4:3, 24, 25, 36;
al-Nahl 16:71; al-Mu'minun 23:6; al-Nur 24:3, 32, 33, 58; al-Rum 30:28;
al-Ahzab 33:55; al-Ma'arij 70:30 among others), a rebellion sprang up in his
harem because of his sudden intercourse with Maryam, an Egyptian slave, in the
room of his wife Hafsa while she was absent. Aisha and Hafsa, the two teenage
women, bombarded him to swear that he would never do it again. But Muhammad
repented his hasty oath and broke it in the name of Allah, so that all other
Muslims could also break their hasty oaths (66:1-2)!!
In a
harsh dispute with his two young wives and their relatives Muhammad defended
his right to his slave woman and threatened his outraged wives to divorce them
all at the same time because Allah could give him better wives. He warned them
and their fathers, the future caliphs, of the fire in hell, if they would not
submit to him.
he pointed at the humble Mary, 'Isa's unmarried mother, the best of all women
in this world and in the next, as a brilliant example (Sura al-Tahrim
66:4-8,12) only to calm down the rebellion in his harem!
If the
founder of the religion of Islam committed such trespasses and legalized them
with his revelations, how much more will his followers walk in his footsteps.
We are not entitled to condemn Muhammad since David and Solomon behaved more
unjust than Muhammad. But David repented and taught in Psalm 51 all adulterers
to repent, too. Muhammad, however, never repented but defended his wrongdoing
and justified himself with his revelations. According to the Gospel, polygamy
means continued adultery. This sin has become normal in a godless world today,
even outside Islam. But Muhammad sanctioned this sin by his religious law! He
allowed his followers to trespass with a good conscience.
What does the Qur'an Decide Regarding Divorce?
In Islam, divorce is considered
to be predestinated! The man, according to the Qur'an, has got the one-sided
right to divorce his wives any time he wishes. However, this revealed right at
present is restricted by several Islamic states under the influence of the
human rights and because of social needs.
But the
Qur'an teaches: If there is a lasting conflict, two mediators from both clans
should first try to reconcile the quarrelers. If both sides wish a
reconciliation, it can be found (Suras al-Nisa' 4:35; al-Talaq 65:2).
demands for new clothes and jewelry are a reason for a divorce (Sura 33:28-29),
but it can be overcome.
oaths obstruct reconciliation. They can still be taken back! (Sura al-Baqara
reasons for a divorce are: rough treatment with hurtful beating and plaguing,
growing antipathy and hatred, greed and breaking away from Islam (Suras
al-Baqara 2:221; al-Nisa' 4:127-130; al-Mumtahina 60:10).
When a
man has reached his goal with his wife and has got enough of her he can send
her away (Sura al-Ahzab 33:37).
If he
has not yet touched her he has the right to send her away without hesitation
(Suras al-Baqara 2:236-237; al-Saffat 37:49).
the man use the awful phrase, "You are to me like my mother's back"
at his divorce, he must, if he repeats that phrase, free a believing slave,
fast for two months, or feed 60 poor people (Suras al-Ahzab 33:4; 58:1-4).
When a
man divorces his wife for good, the divorce is final (Suras al-Baqara 2:227;
al-Talaq 65:2)!
each divorce is predestined in Islam (Sura al-Talaq 65:3)!!
few reasons mentioned in the Qur'an were defined in detail by the lawyers of
the Shari'a and extended to a system structured in a complex way. Jesus Christ,
however, forbids any divorce (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:3-9; Mark 10:4-12 among
others). In the Gospel a divorce is a great injustice and hits both partners
and, above all, their children.
Final Divorce or Remarriage?
women must be cared for some time (Suras al-Baqara 2:241; al-Nisa' 4:130). Rich
Muslims should pay them an honorable compensation, poor people cannot give more
than Allah has given them (Suras al-Baqara 2:236; al-Talaq 65:7).
If a
baby has to be weaned after the divorce, the man must look after the woman for
two entire years (Suras al-Baqara 2:232; al-Talaq 65:6).
If a
reconciliation of the two separated partners is imaginable they have to wait
for at least four months to think about it, before they carry out either a
final divorce or a remarriage (Suras al-Baqara 2:226; al-Talaq 65:1,2,4).
During that time no one should speak about a proposed remarriage nor should a
new marriage contract be prepared. The latter must be legally negotiated
afterwards in front of two witnesses (Sura al-Baqara 2:228).
A divorced woman has to let pass three periods before she can marry another man (Sura al-Baqara 2:228).
The man
is not allowed to harass his divorced wife during the time of waiting. She has
got the right to live where she wants (Sura al-Talaq 65:6).
The man
must support her when her pregnancy is discovered after the divorce until the
child is born (Sura al-Talaq 65:4-6).
special regulation in the laws of divorce is the possibility of preliminary
dismissal and remarriage. But such coming and going cannot go on forever. A
Muslim can divorce his wife and marry her again. He can dismiss her a second
time and marry her again! But if he divorces her a third time the divorce is
final! He can remarry his previous wife only after she has married another man
in the meantime and that this one has divorced her, too. After that, her first
husband is allowed to marry her again (Sura al-Baqara 2:229-230)!
practicing Islamic divorce in such a way, a woman is degraded to the state of a
trading object. It is not taken into account that she, too, possesses a soul,
hope and expectation. She is like a toy of love and rage on the one hand and of
suspicion and jealousy on the other hand.
suffering of women in Islam is often greater than we imagine. The education and
support of their children (except the small babies) is not mentioned in the
Qur'an in connection with divorce. The wife has done her duty and given birth
to sons the woman can go!
Not all
Muslims think and act like that. Many are better than their law! In contrast to
the legislation in the Qur'an, some Islamic countries have introduced their own
liberal Islamic legislation. However, the Qur'an always influences and
determines the culture and the legislation in the Islamic world. The
confrontation of the human rights and the Shari'a is going on at full force.
The fundamentalists fight with fanaticism, money and weapons to realize all the
Qur'anic commandments and use Muhammad's way of living for their
interpretation. Every Muslim should live as Muhammad lived! Only then an
Islamic peace would reign.
The Love of Christ Jesus Changes Individuals
His divine love (agape), Jesus blessed and sanctified the love between
husband and wife (eros). No human being lives pure compared to the
holiness of the Son of God (John 8:1-11). His expiatory sacrifice alone
established our reconciliation with God atoning for all our sins. His spirit
gives us a new mind and the power of self-denial to sacrifice and to serve.
A wife
wishes to lean to her husband and to be protected by him (Genesis 3:16;
Ephesians 5:22-23; 1 Timothy 2:12 among others). Some of them understand the
world through their husbands. They need love, understanding, time, sympathy,
for they alone are called to shelter new life in themselves and to give birth
to it with pains. Therefore Adam called his wife "Eve," the mother of
all the living (Genesis 3:20). Her name is mentioned four times in the Bible
(Genesis 3:20; 4:1; 2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Timothy 2:13).
Jesus Christ alone the woman was fully emancipated spiritually by receiving His
free grace (Luke 7:38-50). In Jesus the woman received her dignity which is
denied to her by the other religions.
who demands the submission of the wife to the husband according to the
principles of creation, confirmed at the same time her full equality in
salvation: There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female,
for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).
In the
same sense Paul reveals the great mystery of love: Like Christ sacrificed
Himself for His congregation, the husband shall sacrifice himself for his wife.
The foremost aims of the spirit of Christ Jesus are not reigning or
subordination, not possessing or obedience, but He rather guides us to love,
serve, help, understand, forgive, support, being patient, to bless and to
remain faithful. Those are the fruits of His love. He said: Love one
another, as I have loved you! (John 13:34-35). Jesus Christ is the model
for the man as well as for the woman. He is our redeemer, savior, comfort, the
one who renders holy, and our perfector (1 Corinthians 1:30; Hebrews 12:1-2).
Dear reader!
If you have
studied this booklet carefully, you can easily answer the following questions.
Whoever answers 90 percent of all questions in the different booklets of this
series correctly, can obtain a certificate from our center on
Advanced Studies
in understanding the Qur'anic roots of the Shari'a of Islam
As an
encouragement for his/her future services for Christ. It will be appreciated if
you include the Qur'anic references in your answers.
1. Why should Christian
women and men study the 110 verses of the Qur'an about marriage and divorce?
2. Why don't you find in the Qur'an the name of any woman, except one: Mary the mother of Jesus?
3. How does Sura al-Nisa'
4:34 describe the dominance of men over women?
4. What does the command of
Allah mean that men have to go to their wives who are like a plowed field
prepared for seeding for them? (Sura al-Baqara 2,222-223)
5. Why should two female
eyewitnesses testifying in a Shari'a court replace one male eyewitness? (Sura
al-Baqara 2,282)
6. What does it mean that in
the law of retribution free men are mentioned first, then enslaved men and only
then free women? (Sura al-Baqara 2:178)
7. Why has a Muslim to care
for his blood relatives more than for his wives and their relatives?
8. How do Muslims explain
the story about Adam that God took a rib out and created a woman from it?
9. Why did Muhammad after
the battle of Uhud encourage his fighters to marry up to four women
simultaneously, if they treat each of them equally?
10. What influence does
polygamy today have on the rate at which Muslim populations grow?
11. Why do Muslims claim that
Muhammad aimed at marriage to a single woman only?
12. What does it mean that a
Muslim can marry his slave girls whenever he wants?
13. How can Shiites legalize
temporal marriage, even for one hour only?
14. What is the Christian
answer to Islamic polygamy?
15. When does a Muslim have
the right to beat his wife until she submits to his will? (Sura al-Nisa' 4:34)
16. What does the confession of Muhammad mean for his principle of polygamy that no-one can deal with each of his wives equally?
17. What should a marriage
contract contain so that the rights of the wife are secured?
18. Why is prayer considered
to be worthless if a man does not purify himself after frequenting his wife?
19. Which eighteen categories
of women are forbidden for every Muslim? (Sura al-Nisa' 4:22-24)
20. What does it mean that a Muslim
should never commit adultery?
21. Theoretically speaking,
which rights could a woman have on the basis of Sura al-Baqara 2:228?
22. In what times is a woman
not obliged to sleep with her husband?
23. Why in some Muslim
countries can women demand that their husband will not marry a second wife or
under certain conditions only one second wife? (Sura al-Nisa' 4:3)
24. Why do some Muslim
husbands demand from their first wife to search for a second wife for him and
to welcome her to his marriage to her?
25. What way out is there if
there is discord in marriage?
26. How does the Qur'an
describe the virtues of a good wife? (Suras al-Ahzab 33:28-33 and al-Tahrim
27. Why is it forbidden for a Muslim girl to marry a Christian or Jewish man and what is the result out of this commandment?
28. How could Muhammad dare to
sanction marriage with minor girls? (Sura al-Talaq 65:4)
29. What does it mean that every form of adultery will lead to 100 stripes for men and women, if four eye-witnesses can describe the very act in concordance with each other?
30. What does the bride's money mean in the contract which has to be concluded before marriage is consumed?
31. Why is a marriage illegal
without a marriage contract signed by two witnesses?
32. Which essential points
should be fixed in this contract?
33. How many women did
Muhammad marry?
34. How could Muhammad call
his wives the mothers of the believers if Aisha was the daughter of the Caliph
Abu Bakr and Hafsa the daughter of the Caliph Omar Ibn al-Khattab?
35. What are the special rules
for the women of Muhammad? (Sura al-Ahzab 33:28-33)
36. How do the jurists in the
Qur'an solve the contradiction of the two commandments that on one hand all
women can donate themselves to Muhammad if he accepts them and that on the
other hand he should not marry any more women nor change them even if he likes
37. What was the reason for
the revolt in the Harem of Muhammad? (Sura al-Tahrim 66)
38. How did Muhammad present
Mary as the best of all women?
39. What are the legal reasons
for divorce in Islam?
40. Why is divorce in Islam
considered to be predestined? (Sura al-Talaq 65:3)
41. How did Jesus forbid
42. What does it mean that a
Muslim can divorce his wife three times and that afterwards he may not marry
her again, but must wait until another man marries her and divorces her three
43. How must a Muslim care for
his divorced wife?
44. What steps towards remarriage
must be observed?
45. How did Jesus elevate
women and made her spiritually equal to men?
46. How does the love of
Christ change egoistic attitudes in a Christian marriage?
Every participant in this quiz is allowed
to use any book at his disposition and to ask any trustworthy person known to
him when answering these questions. We wait for your written answers including
your full address on the papers or in your e-mail. We pray for you to Jesus,
the living Lord, that He will call, send, guide, strengthen, protect and be
with you every day of your life!
Yours in His service,
Servants of the Lord
Send your replies to:
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