Qur'anic Roots of the
Shari'a, 4
"Kill them, wherever you find
them!" (The Qur'an)
Abd al-Masih
All Rights
030 - Version 19.6.2003
English Title: Holy War in Islam, Dream of
German Title: Der heilige Krieg im Islam, Traum
oder Wirklichkeit?
WV 26062 • USA
Internet: www.grace-and-truth.org
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Whoever reads
the Qur'an can find 95 legally binding verses that the leading representatives
of the four schools of Islamic law chose as the basis for their legislation on
Holy War. Whoever adds Muhammad's biography by Ibn Hisham to these Qur'anic
commands on Holy War will recognize that the confrontations between Muhammad,
the traders in Mecca and the Jewish tribes in Medina escalated to an
all-encompassing war on the Arab Peninsula.
polytheists in Mecca bitterly rejected Muhammad's testimony that Allah is the
only God and that there are no other gods besides him. Heated debates led
to an ever-growing boycott of the Muslims. This was accompanied by
slander and persecution of the socially disadvantaged and the martyrdom
of some Muslim slaves in Mecca. Muhammad advised about 80 of his followers
to emigrate to Ethiopia and to ask the Christians there for asylum.
After the death of his wife, Khadija, and the death of his paternal uncle, Abu
Talib, the protection Muhammad had received from his tribe in Mecca crumbled,
so that he was forced to emigrate to Yathrib (Medina) in AD 622.
Before he fled
Muhammad developed three consecutive treaties for his own protection with
the Muslims in Medina. After he arrived there he established a multi-cultural
city administration, but only allowed it to function until he had gained
enough power to impose his intolerant religious state on all inhabitants
of Medina. The growing poverty of the hundred Muslim families who had emigrated
with him caused growing tensions within his religious community. In order to
meet the needs of these refugees in Medina Muhammad encouraged them to raid the
Meccan caravans, which they flatly refused to do (Sura al-Nisa' 4:73-80). But
Muhammad brainwashed them with the help of some Suras inspired by Allah
justifying his intentions (Sura al-Baqara 2:216-218), so that later 83
emigrants and 231 Medinan Muslims went with him to attack and rob the great
Meccan caravans that came from Damascus in the spring. The Battle at Badr ended
with triumph for the Muslims and brought the turning point in the development
of the Holy War. Captured Meccan traders were redeemed as hostages only for
high ransoms.
The changing
fortunes of war resulted in the expulsion of the Jewish tribes from
Medina. After their elimination the asylum seekers from Mecca
"inherited" their land, their houses and Jewish women as slaves
(Suras al-Ma'ida 5:82; al-Ahzab 33:26-27; al-Hashr 59:1-7 et al.). During the
War of the Ditch Muhammad was able to divide his enemies, who had outwitted
him, with deception and bribes. But in Hudaibiyat he compromised with
them by accepting the old occult-laden pilgrimage (Hajj) in Islam, so
that the Meccan traders would secure their source of income.
Muhammad could no longer raid the caravans from Mecca after his agreement with
them he ordered his followers to attack Bedouin tribes (Sura al-Hujurat
49:14), Jewish settlements outside of Mecca and Medina and Christian
communities in northern Yemen, in order to secure his religious state
financially. After raiding the Khaybar Oasis a Jewish hostess tried to poison
him, a deed that led to his death in AD 632.
Attempts to Justify Muhammad's Wars
religio-economic conflicts in Mecca caused uproar among the traders and their
years-long boycott of the Muslims, similar to the uprising of the silversmiths
in Ephesus against Paul's preaching (Acts 19:23-40). Muslims call their
emigration from Mecca an expulsion, which, according to the ancient Arab
custom of revenge, gives them the right to retaliate (Suras al-Ma'ida
5:45; al-Shura 42:41-42 et al.). Moderate Muslims call the raids on Meccan
caravans a defensive war.
The social
needs of the asylum seekers in Mecca drove Muhammad to more and more raids for
booty. The religious cloaking of these attacks transformed them into planned offensive
wars. In this way Islam spread at an explosive rate in the hundred years
after Muhammad died into a superpower from the Indus River to the
Atlantic. The fundamentalists understand Holy War to be a command from Allah to
conquer all unbelievers, since their existence remains a temptation to Muslims
to fall away from Islam (Suras al-Baqara 2:193; al-Anfal 8:39 et al.). They
believe that Allah will be with the victor (Suras Al 'Imran 3:160; al-Ma'ida
5:56 et al.)!
It is useless
to ask who is at fault in such wars, since right seems always to be with
the stronger side. Both the supporters of defensive wars and the
fundamentalists who call for offensive wars base their position on Qur'anic
texts and on Muhammad's life.
Methods and Goals of Muhammad's Wars
strategy in Mecca and Medina (AD 610-632) shows itself in contradictory
extremes. The emigration to Medina came after a war of words and
the hateful attempts by the residents of Mecca to starve the Muslims out. The
Satanic verses in the Qur'an (Sura al-Najm 53:19-22) are Muhammad's attempt to
save himself and his Muslims through a shaky compromise. But he
retracted this satanic inspiration later (Sura al-Hajj 22:52-53). After
establishing contact with spirits (jinn) in the desert (Suras al-Ahqaf
46:29-32; al-Jinn 72:1-5) they prepared the way for Muhammad and his followers
to emigrate in stages. From then on, "Muslim spirits" fought
along with human Muslims in Holy War. The occult dimension of Islamic wars
should never be overlooked (Sura Al 'Imran 3:61).
In Medina
Muhammad urged his followers often to lure the unbelievers into a trap in
order to kill them (Suras al-Baqara 2:191; al-Tawba 9:4). Angels are said
to have helped the Muslims to victory in the Battle of Badr (Sura al-Tawba
9:40). Muhammad transformed the crushing defeat of the Muslims at the Battle of
Uhud into a great victory for Islam by introducing polygamy with its
surplus of births (Sura al-Nisa' 4:3). Muhammad himself took part in 29
campaigns of war, through which robbery, booty and taking slaves increasingly
became the driving force of his unholy war. Occasionally Muhammad compromised
with his enemies; he would agree to a cease-fire, but only until final
victory could be achieved. After his victories he rewarded potential advocates
of war among his enemies with generous gifts in order to win them for
Islam. Whenever he entered into a dialogue with Christians or Bedouin chiefs,
his goal was the voluntary submission of these guests or the opponents to Islam
(Sura Al 'Imran 3:33-65, et al.). He sent out deputies as spies and urged the
rulers of the neighboring kingdoms to accept Islam immediately. The caliphs who
succeeded him broke the power of the Byzantine and Sassanids empires with wars
of aggression and wiped out their encircled troops.
Muhammad repeatedly emphasized that war is nothing but deceit! He
was a master of deception and adapted quickly to each new situation. When he
attacked Bedouin tribes near Medina, they cried, "We believe! We believe
in Allah!" But Muhammad answered them, "You have not believed until
you confess: We submit!" (Sura al-Hujurat 49,14). Islam means devotion
or submission – voluntarily or by force! Whether dialogue or war, the
goal remains the unrestricted rule of Islam. The Jewish tribe of Quraiza
were unwilling to accept this principle during the Battle of the Ditch. Some of
them conspired with the enemy besieging their town. When the besieging troops
withdrew, more than 600 Jews of Medina had to dig their own mass graves, into
which they were cast after they were slain. Jibril (Gabriel) ordered them to be
Misunderstanding of Holy War
The term
"Holy War" does not occur in the Qur'an! The English translation is
an idealized version of the Arabic jihad. The Arabic language has
various words for battle and war, appearing in the Qur'an with different
means an
intellectual battle. Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" is still sold under
the title "Kifahi" today in the Middle East. But this term is not found
anywhere in the Qur'an. Muhammad never knew any purely religious or
theological discussions, but generally confronted his partners with offers and
threats for their submission after dialogue.
means "to
exert oneself in order to strive for Allah with every possible effort and
sacrifice". This word became the Islamic technical term for the
Muslims' battle against all unbelievers. It includes armed battles and longer
wars. This term occurs in the Qur'an more than 41 times in various
forms: Suras al-Baqara 2:218; Al 'Imran 3:142; al-Nisa' 4:95;
al-Ma'ida 5:35, 54; al-Anfal 8:72, 74, 75; al-Tawba 9:16,
19, 20, 24, 41, 44, 73, 81, 86, 88; al-Nahl 16:110; al-Hajj 22:78;
al-Furqan 25:52; al-'Ankabut 29:6,69; Muhammad 47:31;
al-Hujurat 49:15; al-Mumtahina 60:1; al-Saff 61:11;
al-Tahrim 66:9 et al.
Qitāl means fighting with a weapon in hand, with the aim of
finally defeating the enemy by force and, if necessary, killing him in
hand-to-hand combat or to be killed oneself. This word occurs, in its
variations, 67 times in the Qur'an: Suras al-Baqara 2:190, 191, 193, 216, 217, 244, 246;
Al 'Imran 3:13, 111, 121, 146, 167, 195, 246; al-Nisa' 4:74, 75,
76, 77, 84, 90; al-Ma'ida 5:24; al-Anbal 8:16, 29, 39, 65;
al-Tawba 9:12, 13, 14, 29, 36, 83, 111, 123; al-Ahzab 33:20, 25;
Muhammad 47:20; al-Fath 48:16; al-Hadid 57:10; al-Saff 61:4
et al.
In the Qur'an
Hirāba or (harb)
means an attack against Allah and Muhammad, or his own declaration of war
against people who break his law. This term occurs only 6 times in the
Qur'an, and includes a severe threat in Sura al-Ma'ida 5:33 of grave danger for
every enemy of Allah and Muhammad (Suras al-Baqara 2:279; al-Ma'ida 5:33, 64;
al-Anfal 8:57; al-Tawba 9:107; Muhammad 47:4).
Sabīl Allah means
to accomplish a service "in the way of Allah" or for the "cause
of Allah", whereby all of the previously mentioned terms can be summarized
in this one: Suras al-Baqara 2:154, 190, 195, 218, 244, 246, 261, 262,
273; Al 'Imran 3:13, 146, 157, 167, 169; al-Nisa' 4:74, 75, 76,
84, 89, 94, 95, 100; al-Ma'ida 5:54; al-Anfal 8:60,72; al-Tawba 9:19,
24, 30, 38, 41, 60, 81, 91, 111, 120; al-Nahl 16:125; al-Hajj 22:58;
al-Nur 24:22; Sad 38:26; Muhammad 47:4,38; al-Hujurat 49:15;
al-Hadid 57:10; al-Saff 61:11; al-Muzammil 73:20 et al.
This term
which appears more than 45 times in the Qur'an is mentioned alongside
"fighting with weapons" (qitāl)
19 times, "fighting with complete commitment" (jihād) 9 times, offering money for the
cause of Allah (nafaqa) 9 times and emigration from Mecca "for
Allah's sake" 5 times.
ponders these short analyses of the non-existent "Holy War"
can recognize that Jihad (efforts for Allah) in the Qur'an mostly mean
bloody conflict, even if liberal Muslims, clever asylum seekers or western
humanists are reluctant to admit this fact. The 95 verses of the Qur'an that
have legal applications, and which form the basis of Islamic martial law, need
to be understood from this point of view.
Several times
the Qur'an mentions that all bloody attacks of the Muslims (qital) is predestined
and from the beginning recorded in the original book in heaven (Suras
al-Baqara 2:216, 246; al-Nisa' 4:77; see also Al 'Imran 3:154 and al-Anfal
8:55). Thus the wars of Muhammad and his caliphs are not considered to be
private decisions but were planned, inspired and carried out by Allah himself.
In Sura
al-Baqara 2:216 we read: Fighting with
weapons (qital) has been prescribed for you even though you do
not like it. Maybe you are rejecting something that is good for you and love
something that will prove to be bad for you. Allah knows everything – you know
nothing (Sura al-Baqara 2:16)!
commands Muslims to do battle both with weapons in their hands and with total
commitment of their time, energy, money and life for the objectives of Allah.
The explicit command to war (qitāl)
can be read 12 times in the Qur'an: Suras al-Baqara 2:190,
193, 244; Al 'Imran 3:167; al-Nisa' 4:76, 84; al-Anfal 8:39;
al-Tawba 9:12, 29, 36, 123; al-Hujurat 49:9. The call to total
commitment (jihād)
appears 6 times: al-Ma'ida 5:35; al-Tawba 9:41, 73,
86; al-Hajj 22:78; al-Furqan 25:52.
In Islam war
is incumbent on every healthy Muslim male. People who refuse to
obey this command can count on being punished in this world and the next.
According to the Qur'an Islamic fundamentalists are not reckless extremists,
rather liberal and humanistic Muslims are considered to be disobedient cowards
and agitators: Allah's wrath rests on them.
At first it was revealed to them (in Mecca): Restrain your hands from
combat, pray and pay the religious tax. But when they were ordered (in Medina)
to take part in a bloody combat, some of them feared men more than Allah and
some of them were much afraid! They said: O Lord! Why have you commanded us to
fight with weapons? Grant us a deferment! (Sura al-Nisa' 4:77).
But Allah's command remains unchanged. Since then all Muslims who read
the Qur'an are commanded to step out of their indulgent lives.
believers fight for Allah, the unbelievers fight for their devil! So fight
against the enemies of Satan! Satan's deception is weak (Sura al-Nisa' 4:76).
revealed to his followers: Truly, Allah has bought the souls of the
believers and their property, so that they would gain paradise. Therefore they
fight for Allah, they kill and will be killed on the basis of this promise (Sura
al-Tawba 9:111).
Muslims are
no longer free people. Allah has bought them like slaves and sent them into his
war. They fight for him in collective bondage. In the Qur'an we read the
mystical statement: Participate in the total commitment (jihad)
"in" Allah and fight "his" (the right) battle. He has
chosen you! (Sura al-Hajj 22:78).
This striking
command shows that Allah not only wants to be with his Muslims, but also
wants them to be in them, in a psychological and occult union with them,
in order to wage his war successfully. This command is one of the most
comprehensive legitimizations for Muslims' battles, since Allah calls the
attacks waged by Muslims his own battle. It is a great privilege for
every Muslim to be obedient and fight in Allah.
Allah is
understood to be the Almighty in Islam. He is stronger than all of the enemies
of the Muslims (Sura al-Nisa' 4:84). The whole world belongs to him (Suras Al
'Imran 3:109, 189; al-Nisa' 4:126 et al.). Hence everything he created belongs
to Muslims (Sura al-Baqara 2:29). He is in control of the universe (Suras al-Baqara
2:142, 156; al-Nisa' 4:131, 132 et al.) He accompanies his warriors as long as
they fear him (Suras al-Baqara 2:194; al-Tawba 9:40,123 et al.). Thus Muhammad
states: Fear Allah and know that Allah is with them that fear him (Sura
al-Baqara 2:194).
Allah has
given Muhammad the power over any enemy whom Allah wanted to deliver to him
(Sura al-Hashr 59:6).
loves everyone who fights with a weapon in order to overcome the enemies of
Islam (Sura al-Saff
He loves
especially those who donate money for his warriors to finance their
participation in the Islamic wars (Suras al-Baqara 2:195; al-Nisa' 4:95;
al-Tawba 9:20 et al.). He will multiply their offerings sometimes 700-fold
(Sura al-Baqara 2:261).
If some
warriors fall or flee, Allah will bring out new ones. He loves them and they
love him (Sura al-Ma'ida 5:54). Every victory comes from Allah alone
(Sura al-Anfal 8:11).
These verses serve the Islamic jurists of the law as divine
legitimization for Islamic wars. Allah has determined them and Allah will
conduct them.
The Qur'an
names various categories of adversaries and enemies of Islam. Above all, he
mentions those who attack Muslims.
attackers and the ones who have driven the Muslims away fight for Allah against
the ones who fight against you. But do not trespass. Allah does not love the
trespassers (Sura
al-Baqara 2:190).
If someone
attacks you, then retaliate with the same measure with which he attacked you,
if he attacked you. Fear Allah! (Sura al-Baqara 2:194c).
The defensive
war in Islam is based on the law of retaliation and revenge, as the Qur'an
A soul for
soul, an eye for eye, a nose for nose, an ear for ear, a tooth for tooth and a
punishment for every wound. This is an atonement for anyone who keeps
it! (Sura al-Ma'ida
or human generosity is not possible, because every injury must be atoned for.
The Qur'an determines: The just punishment (of the offender) is life for
you! (Sura al-Baqara 2:179).
The different
Arabic terms for animists, non-Muslims and atheists appear over 200 times
together as unbelievers in the Qur'an. These "inhuman beings" are the
scum of the earth in the eyes of the Muslims (Sura al-Tawba 8:55-56). They are
considered as impure (Sura al-Tawba 9:28) law-breakers, since they don't
follow the Shari'a of the Qur'an. They eat pork and do not pronounce Allah's
name (bismillah) when slaughtering animals. They are counted as
ignorant, lawless and as mediums of sorcerers (Sura al-Baqara 2:102), who
deceitfully break their contracts with Muslims (Sura al-Tawba 9:12). But their
biggest sin is that they do not recognize Muhammad as a prophet and do not
worship Allah in the Muslim way. Everyone who is not a Muslim is disdainfully
called an unbeliever (kāfir)
in the colloquial language. They are cursed by Allah, the angels and people
(Suras al-Baqara 2:89-90,161; al-A'raf 7:38; al-Ahzab 33:64,68).
counts the unbelievers (non-Muslims) as the worst animals, since they do not
believe (like the Muslims). Those with whom you have made a contract and who
constantly break it are not god fearing (Sura al-Anfal 8:55-56).
unbelievers are our certain enemies (Sura al-Nisa' 4:101).
They want
you to become unbelievers like they are, if possible. So do not take them as
your friends (Sura
al-Nisa' 4:89).
O Prophet,
fight against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unrelenting against
them! Their home is hell and their end is miserable (Sura al-Tahrim 66:9).
Muhammad had
to wage war on many fronts. Most of his opponents were animists, unbelievers
and idolaters. He had declared a merciless war against them. They had only one
choice: Either accept Islam or death (Sura al-Tawba 9,1-5)! Later, the death
sentence was changed to enslavement for many animists who were captured in
battle, so that they would not only die once but also suffer the hell of
slavery every day. Many Christians in North and South America bought
slaves from the traders employed by European monarchies. They all took part in
the Islamic torture of slaves. Where is the repentance of Christians for their
part in the slave trade? Who is awake that the wealth of the western countries
comes in part from the hard labor of the slaves sold by Muslim warlords?
Polytheists and the Idolaters
The Islamic
confession of faith makes everyone who believes in more than one god a
blasphemer, since Islam accepts only Allah as the one God (Sura al-An'am
6:106). Whoever speaks of a "mother of God" or says that God is a Father,
Christ is his Son and we are children of God, is pronouncing an unforgivable
blasphemy according to Islamic understanding. All idolaters and polytheists
are cursed (Suras al-'Ankabut 29:25; al-Fath 48:6 et al.)!
idolater should be eliminated if he does not accept Islam. Since the existence
of the polytheists is a temptation to Muslims to fall away from Islam, Muhammad
broke his contracts with them in Mecca, gave them four months to think it over,
and thus made it possible for them to emigrate. He threatened to exterminate
them if they did not accept Islam (Sura al-Tawba 9:1-12).
When the
waiting time of the holy months is over then kill the polytheists wherever you
find them. Take them, surround them and lure them into a trap whenever
possible. But if they repent, participate in the Islamic prayers and pay the
religious tax, let them go. Truly, Allah is the forgiving, the merciful one (Sura al-Tawba 9:5).
so-called "verse of the sword" and its echo in Sura al-Baqara
2:191-192 abrogates over 100 verses of the Qur'an that call for tolerance,
equality and freedom of religion. All verses that recommend cooperation with
non-Muslims only apply as long as the Muslims are in the minority, as in the
case of Muhammad in Mecca. But as soon as Islam has the majority tolerance is
finished! Islam must build and form an intolerant religious state.
Claiming human rights won't work in a Muslim state because Islamic law is
considered to be directly inspired by God. No one can change his laws.
Sura al-Tawba
9:113 shows how deep the rift is between polytheists and Muslims.
It is not
for the Prophet or the believers (Muslims) to ask Allah for forgiveness for the
polytheists, even if they are their closest relatives, after it has been made
clear to them that they will go to hell (Sura al-Tawba 9:113).
The People
of the Book (Jews, Christians and Sabaeans)
At the
beginning of his career as a religious leader Muhammad idealized Jews and
Christians and called them "People of the Book." He too wanted
to possess a revealed book like theirs, in Arabic, as a basis for his culture.
He accepted about 60% of his Qur'an from texts of the Mishna and Talmud and
about 8% from apocryphal Christian stories. But when Jews and Christians
refused to recognize Muhammad as prophet, he changed his attitude toward them.
He called the Jews the most dangerous enemies of the Muslims, while he
remained friendly with the Christians for a time.
You will
certainly find that the most dangerous enemies of the believers (Muslims) are
the Jews and the polytheists. And you will certainly find that those (enemies)
who are the most friendly to you are the Nasāra
(Christians), for among them are pastors (priests) and monks. That is why they
are not proud (Sura
al-Ma'ida 5:82).
hatred of the Jews increased, and he cursed them ten times in the Qur'an
(Suras al-Baqara 2:88,159; al-Nisa' 4:46,47,52; al-Ma'ida 5:13,60,64,78;
al-Ra'd 13:25 et al.) and even claimed that Allah had changed some of them into
monkeys and pigs as a punishment (Suras al-Baqara 2:65-66; al-Ma'ida 5:60;
al-A'raf 7:163-166)!
The Jews were
an intellectual, cultural and financial elite in Medina. Some of them mocked
Muhammad openly. That is why he drove them out or destroyed them – at Jibril's
(Gabriel's) command – one tribe after another.
fell under Muhammad's displeasure later as well, after an honorable delegation
of 60 people from northern Yemen (Wadi Najrān)
discussed their faith with him for three days in the mosque in Medina. At that
time Muhammad portrayed his Islam as a religion similar to the Gospel.
The Bishop Abu Harith b. 'Alqama saw through the syncretistic attempts of
Muhammad and left Medina without accepting Islam. Muhammad warned him and all
Christians that Allah would surely bring plague on unbelievers.
I will
torture all who remain unbelievers with a horrible plague in this world and the
next. They will have no one to help them (Sura Al 'Imran 3:56).
thereafter Muhammad sent his riders into northern Yemen and subjugated the
little Christian kingdom. He justified his attack with a revelation of Allah: Fight
(with weapons) against those who do not believe in Allah and the last day, and
who do not forbid what Allah and his messenger (Muhammad) have forbidden, and
who do not belong to the right religion (Islam), from those who received the
book, until they pay the minority tax (jizya) with their own hand and (in this
way) acknowledge their lowliness. - The Jews say: Ezra is the Son of Allah! The
Nazarenes say: Christ is the Son of Allah! But they only say this with their
lips. They imitate the talk of those who were unbelievers before them. Allah
shall kill them! How they are liars! (Sura al-Tawba 9:29-30).
With these
two verses from the Sura of Repentance Muhammad flatly rejected all dreamers
among the Jews and Christians who dreamt of a multi-cultural future in the Arab
Peninsula. He accused them of believing in another God than that of Muslims!
The Jews trusted Yahweh, their Lord of the covenant, and the Christians trusted
the Father of Jesus Christ. But Allah is completely different! He is
neither the God of the Jews nor the God of the Christians. Muhammad denied and
abrogated his previous statement, that his God and the God of the Bible are the
same! At the end of his life he understood that Islam has a spirit and a God
different from those of the Christians and Jews.
A paradise
with worldly pleasures is the goal of the Muslim hope. They do not know
spiritual renewal, or sanctification, nor of the rebirth since there is no Holy
Spirit in Islam. They count on a re-creation exactly like the old creation and
an increased sexual potency for men in paradise.
culture and ethics are built on the law of Moses, Christian culture and
ethics on the law of Christ and his power, while Islamic culture rests
on the law of Muhammad. All three laws are different from the ground
up! Naïve idealists, who still believe in the three monotheistic religions,
should finally wake up and get sober. There is no common denominator among
Muslims, Jews and Christians, neither in theology nor in ethics. Only ignorant
and hypocritical dreamers claim that these three religions believe in the same
stated shortly and to the point: Jews and Christians do not belong to the right
religion. We are worlds apart! That is why Muhammad did not recommend any
dialogue based on mutual recognition; rather he ordered his followers to
conquer the Jews and Christians in a bloody battle with weapons until they are
reduced to second-class citizens in an Islamic state and pay the minority tax.
Any other legal statements about the relationship of the three religions to one
another are either self-deception or lies (Suras al-Baqara 2:145; al-Hajj
alleged that the Jews worshipped Ezra as God, for which there is no proof. Ezra
founded a Jewish state 400 years before Christ, which was like a red flag to
Christians were blamed for believing that Jesus is the Son of God! They
actually tried to evangelize Muhammad! The founder of Islam cursed them in
anger and called on Allah to kill and destroy every Christian who confesses
that Christ is the Son of God (Sura Maryam 19:30)! Muhammad's prayers cursing
the Christians are black magic (Sura Al 'Imran 3:61). With that, Muhammad's
spirit revealed itself to be an anti-Christian spirit from the father of all
lies, according to I John 2:22-25; 4:1-5. He wants to destroy the kingdom of
the living Christ by all means!
Muslims and Hypocrites
Not only are
attackers, unbelievers, polytheists, Jews and Christians the declared enemies
of Islam, but also Muslims who harm their own people. They are to be fought
until all Muslims are reunited! This is wishful thinking, as history has proved
hundreds of times, but this command is a part of the Qur'anic militaristic law
and can be implemented at any time to legalize offensive action and attacks on
among the outsiders are, above all, the hypocrites who act as if they
were Muslims, who dress and talk like Muslims, but who think and believe differently
at heart. Muhammad said that they have no sense and cursed them with the same
curse that he used for the Christians. "Allah shall kill them!" (Suras
al-Baqara 2:159; al-Tawba 9:30, 68; al-Ahzab 33:61; al-Fath 48:6; al-Munafiqun
63:4). Muhammad hated them because they did not donate any money for his wars
and tried to keep Muslims from fighting (Suras al-Nisa' 4:91; al-Tawba 9:73,
120-121; al-Munafiqun 63:1-8; al-Tahrim 66:9 et al.).
All cowards
(Sura al-Fath 48:16-17) and traitors (Sura al-Anfal 8:71) rank with
the enemies of Islam. They must prove that they are good Muslims by taking part
in dangerous battles in which they may die. Contracts with them are not binding
(Sura al-Anfal 8:58).
Islam is
harmed especially by overly sensitive legates who disagree often about details
of the Shari'a and endanger the unity of the troops. Muslims must fight against
them, if they continue to quarrel after efforts have been made to negotiate
with them (Suras al-Baqara 2:161, 217; al-Baqara 4:137; al-Tawba 9:66; al-Nahl
16:106; al-Kahf 18:105; al-Zumar 39:65). These troublemakers are a real problem
to the unity of Muslims, as we read about the father of the Arabs, Ishmael and
his descendants (Genesis 16). One of the weaknesses of disunited Muslims is
that every party wants to have right on his side.
Muhammad was
extremely angry with Muslims who fell away and who converted to a different
religion. They are cursed three times: By Allah, his angels and all
people (Suras al-Baqara 2:161; Al 'Imran 3:86-87). All their good works will be
void (Suras al-Baqara 2:217; al-Kahf 18:105; al-Zumar 39:65). They must be
considered criminals (Sura al-Tawba 9:66). The wrath of Allah rests on every
lapsed Muslim. The fact that he has fallen away is eternally unforgivable (Sura
al-Nahl 16:106). The Qur'an does not state that converts must be killed, but
the Shari'a devised a law for their extermination on the basis of a
questionable tradition of Muhammad's.
Missionaries Enemies of Allah?
stated several times that tempting someone to leave from Islam is more
heinous a crime than murder (Sura al-Baqara 2:191, 217 et al.)! Non-Muslims
would try to do everything to change the faith and the culture of the Muslims.
That is why no Muslim should befriend a non-Muslim (Sura al-Nisa' 4:89 et al.)!
Muhammad commanded all Muslims to fight with weapons against missionary world
(with weapons) against them until there is no more any temptation (to fall away
from Islam) and that the religion of Allah (Islam) will rule everywhere (Suras al-Baqara 2:193; al-Anfal
temptations include the television programs and the economic colonialism of the
West, as well as the propaganda of communist countries. But this warning and
threat applies especially to Christian missionaries, since any mission activity
is forbidden in most Islamic countries. Islam not only sees itself as a
religion, but also as a religious state. Thus, evangelism among Muslims
is considered as an attack on the foundations of the state and as an effort to
undermine its existence. Thus Islam radically contradicts the human right to
choose one's own religion.
become Brothers
As soon as an
enemy of Islam repents by accepting Islam with its six articles of faith he is
accepted as a brother by Muslims (Sura al-Tawba 9:5, 11 et al.). He must reject
faith in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; leave the community of his previous
world view; enter the house of Islam; say the obligatory prayers regularly and
pay the religious tax as a proof of his faith. This conversion does not require
a change in character nor a rebirth, but only a submission to the religious law
of Islam.
Muhammad was
a master at preparing his attacks, as well as in motivating his followers for
Holy War. He had Allah tell him to stir up all
Muslims to battle (Suras al-Nisa' 4:84; al-Anfal 8:65 et al.).
First he
tried to form the hostile tribes into a unity (Sura al-Anfal 8:72),
forbade fighting between brothers and required the ones who were quarreling to
stop (Suras Al 'Imran 3:200; al-Nisa' 4:59; al-Anfal 8:1, 46).
He demanded that an appointed delegation of responsible people
from every clan come to him to discuss the situation so that he could inform
and instruct them about the planned details in the coming battle (Sura al-Tawba
Muhammad let
Allah inspire him to look for allies in his own tribe among blood
relatives and also among neutral business partners (Sura al-Anfal 8:75).
At the same time he began a massive armaments program, especially
to assemble troops of cavalry (Sura al-Anfal 8:60).
He emphasized
collecting contributions for the cause of war (Suras al-Baqara 2:195,
261, 273; al-Tawba 9:20; Muhammad 47:38; al-Hadid 57:10) and challenged the
Muslims with a total commitment of money and life (Suras al-Nisa'
4:95; al-Anfal 8:72; al-Tawba 9:41; al-Hujurat 49:15; al-Saff 61:10-11).
He forbade spending money unwisely (Sura al-Baqara 2:195) and
commanded the people not to swear emotional oaths and say:
"I will never again offer something for Allah"
(Sura al-Baqara 2:224-225)! Moreover he assured them:
Allah loves the ones who offer for the efforts of Islam (jihād) (Suras al-Baqara 2:195;
al-'Ankabut 29:69 et al.).
Muhammad expected faith and obedience
to Allah from the Muslims, and to himself (Suras 8:1,46; al-Fath
48:17 et al.). He also recommended that they separate
themselves from their parents, sons, brothers, wives, slaves, houses and lands
if these kept them from fighting for Allah. The party
of Allah (Hezbollah) is marked by the fact that its members are willing to
separate themselves from their own families and to fight them if necessary, if
they remained unbelievers (Suras al-Tawba 9:24; al-Fath 48:25; al-Mujadala
58:22 et al.).
Islam knows
nothing of loving enemies or showing sympathy for them, because these foes do
not believe in the revealed law found in the Qur'an. Whoever
cooperates with them causes unrest, misunderstandings and harm to Islam (Suras
Al 'Imran 3:28; al-Nisa' 4:89; al-Anfal 8:72-73; al-Mumtahina 60:1 et al.).
believers! Do not take my and your enemies as
friends and show them no sympathy. They do
not believe in what has come to you as law.
They drove away the messenger and you because you believe in
Allah your Lord and because you fight for him and try to please me.
But you are secretly fond of them… Whoever
of you does this has strayed far from the way (Sura al-Mumtahina 60:1).
separated himself from his enemies and cursed them, which legalized their elimination.
Allah's wrath rests on him. Allah
himself and his angels are supposed to have fought with the Muslims against the
believers. Muhammad even used black
magic in his unholy war (Suras al-Baqara 2:159, 161; Al
'Imran 3:61, 86, 87; al-Ahzab 33:61, 64, 68; al-Fath 48:6 et al.).
himself would
strengthen and purify his warriors for battle (Sura al-Anfal
8:11-12). He assured them that they were chosen,
so they should pray, pay and fight (Sura al-Hajj 22:77-78).
Armed conflict is considered to be a test for the unbelievers
(Sura Muhammad 47:4). Whoever does not fight
courageously in battle will be plagued horribly by Allah (Suras al-Anfal 8:16;
al-Tawba 9:38; al-Fath 48:16)!
Allah has
abrogated and replaced the so-called "Satanic Verses" in the Qur'an
(Sura al-Najm 53:19-22), with which Satan inspired Muhammad,
through better verses so that a deceived faith would not hinder anyone fighting
in the cause of Allah (Sura al-Isra' 17:64-65).
Muhammad spurred
the Believers on in the Bedouin way: O believers!
Why do you let your head hang when you are called:
Move on and fight for Allah! Are you
more satisfied with this life than with the next? (Sura
al-Tawba 9,38).
Allah has
revealed: I am with you!
Strengthen the ones who are Believers (Sura
al-Anfal 8,12)! Be patient (Suras Al 'Imran 3:200; al-Anfal 8:46)!
Do not detest bloody hand-to-hand combat! (Sura
al-Baqara 2,216).
al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is supposed to have
"A good Muslim is not someone who prays, fasts
and pays his religious tax, but only the one who overcomes his own
inhibitions and is prepared to kill the enemies of Allah – that is a true
stirred up his followers in the same way and said: "Everyone
who believes fights for Allah with a weapon" (Sura
al-Nisa' 4,76).
The prayers
of Muslim minorities in non-Islamic or liberal Islamic countries should spur
the Believers on, to free them or to help them to establish an Islamic state
(Sura al-Nisa' 4:75). The bloody unrest in Algeria,
Kosovo, Chechnya, Kashmir, Mindanao and East Timor are related to this verse.
Voluntary fighters from various Islamic countries help the
oppressed to be freed from the yoke of the unbelievers.
Be ready
at all times to meet the enemy, stand and fight hard and trust Allah (Sura al-Anfal 8:45).
Do not run
away when the battle starts, otherwise the wrath of Allah will fall on you (Sura al-Anfal 8:15-16).
Allah, and he will help you (Sura Muhammad 47:7).
fights for Allah's sake – whether he is killed or victorious – his reward is
assured (Sura
al-Nisa' 4:74).
himself had put his fighters in strategic positions, where they could prove
their courage in battle (Sura Al 'Imran 3:121).
Allah has
the power to punish all unbelievers severely (Sura al-Nisa' 4:84).
Maybe he will give the Muslims victory
(Suras al-Anfal 8:45; Al 'Imran 3:200).
victory comes from Allah alone (Suras al-Baqara 2:214; Al 'Imran 3:126; al-Anfal 8:10;
al-'Ankabut 29:10; al-Rum 30:5; al-Nasr 110:1).
Muslims are
people like us. Most of them are afraid of war, of
dying and of killing. They do not like engaging in
dangerous battles or attacks. Many of them are peace-loving and
prefer prosperity and good citizenship.
Muhammad knew
that his followers were afraid. He challenged them to concentrate
on Allah alone! Apart from him there would be no helper
(Sura al-Jinn 72:20). He commanded them:
of Allah often" (Sura
al-Anfal 8:45).
him only"
(Sura al-Anfal 8:61).
Allah!" He is the only one that they should
fear (Suras
al-Baqara 2:194; Al 'Imran 3:123-129 and 200; al-Ma'ida 5:7; al-Anfal 8:1;
al-Tawba 9:118-119 et al.).
Muhammad did
not say: Love Allah, but rather fear him!
The oppressive weight of the fear of Allah rests on Islam.
In times of
battle, the liturgical worship services can be shortened.
While one group is praying, the other one should be battle-ready
and alert. Then the ones who have worshipped
should step back and stand guard while the ones who were guarding pray (Sura
al-Nisa' 4:101-102). They intend to fight "in" Allah or with him!
required his followers to concentrate on Allah with their whole being in
order to overcome their own fear. Victory and protection come from
the Almighty alone. Here the question arises:
Who is Allah in Islam? From
the Bible we must say: Allah in Islam is not the Father,
not the Son and not the Holy Spirit. The
Qur'an confirms this in many verses (Suras al-Ikhlas 112:1-4 et al.).
Allah is not the real God, but rather a murderous spirit who uses
the name "Allah" even though he is not God.
In other
religions, people try to gain spiritual power through spiritual training.
Muhammad imagined that he was serving the true God by spilling
blood, but he did not really know God and became the victim of a demonic spirit
(John 1:18; 16:1-3).
ordered his warriors to worship Allah intensively, to the extent that they
would have a mark on their foreheads from prostrating 34 times a day within
their five times of prayer, as proof and sign of their fear and worship of
Allah (Sura al-Fath 48:29). He promised Islamic fighters that
invisible troops (angels or spirits) would fight along with the god-fearing
(Suras Al 'Imran 3:123-129; al-Tawba 9:40).
leaders in Indonesia invite their Jinns (spirits) to their important meetings
and actions, to participate in their insight and powers. Muslims are not only
human beings but also spirits cooperating with the believers in the battle.
Muslims are to fight "Allah's" battle protected and strengthened
"in" him. Their killing is an act of worship for Allah, in that Allah
attains victory through them (Suras al-Hajj 22:78; al-'Ankabut 29:69). Whoever
understands that Allah in Islam is not God but an unclean spirit can perceive
the specific meaning of these verses!
But if
circumstances compel Muslims to hide their faith or to deny it, this is not
considered to be a sin as long as they remain true Muslims in their hearts
(Sura al-Nahl 16:106). Holy War in Islam always includes
deception and betrayal.
For Muhammad
the battle started with the watchful attitude of his combat-ready
Muslims (Sura al-Nisa' 4:71,102). He commanded them to move out in troops
and not to throw themselves singly into battle (Suras al-Nisa' 4:71; al-Saff
He tried to create a feeling of belonging together as fellow
Muslims so that each one could rely on the other.
His special
command was to lure the enemy into a trap: "When
the sacred months are over kill the polytheists wherever you find them, take
them, surround them and set every possible trap for them" (Sura
al-Tawba 9:5).
We can read
Allah's definite command to kill the unbelievers and the polytheists five
times in the Qur'an (Suras al-Baqara 2:191 [twice];
al-Nisa' 4:89 and 91; al-Tawba 9:5)!
What was the
great sin of Muhammad's enemies that they had to die? They did
not believe in the prophethood of Muhammad and did not believe what he revealed
about God and man, his books and messengers, his predestination and the
resurrection of the dead. They could not accept Muhammad as
a prophet because he received his information mainly from Jews and Christians
and passed it off as a revelation from Allah.
Christ, on
his side, summarized human guilt by saying that the Comforter will convict
the world of sin, because they do not believe in Him (John
16:7-9). But Jesus did not command his followers to kill the
unbelievers or fanatical legalists, but was willing to die in their place, so
that their sin would be atoned for. Jesus did not carry out God's just verdict
on rebels but on himself and reconciled all guilty people with the holy God.
Whoever does not believe in him after his sacrifice of atonement
is himself judged.
Muhammad took
revenge for being rejected and fought against pagans, Jews and Christians.
He himself carried out the judgment of Allah against them.
Allah is not a God of love and reconciliation, but expects his
Muslims to carry out his law by force. There is
no Holy Spirit and no love of God in Islam, only law, submission
and judgment! The command to kill found five times in
the Qur'an should open the eyes of all idealists, humanists and syncretists in
the Occident so that they understand who Muhammad and what his Islam is.
ordered his fighters to strike the enemies on the neck (Suras al-Anfal 8:12;
Muhammad 47:4). That is the Arabic way of saying:
Cut off their heads! Commanding
someone to cut his enemies' fingernails means to cut off their hands or to
limit their activity (Sura al-Anfal 8:12). The
command: "Be hard on them!" is
repeated several times in the Qur'an (Suras al-Tawba 9:73,123; al-Fath 48:29;
al-Tahrim 66:9 et al.). Whoever reads Ibn Hisham's
biography of Muhammad, volume II, will read several times the expression that
the swords of the Muslims "mowed" down their enemies as a sickle mows
down the harvest.
Muhammad did
not allow his fighters to take captives to use as slaves, as long as the
battle waged. This bad habit of some Muslims
sometimes allowed the enemies to counter-attack when they saw that the Muslims
were busy collecting the booty. That is why enemy troops should be
killed at once in battle and not taken prisoner (Sura al-Anfal 8:67).
Many Muslims
loathed this spilling of blood and the killing of those close to them, which
was forced on them. Some of them even wept over the death of their
relatives. Muhammad assured them: "You
did not kill them, but Allah killed them!" "Not
you shot, when you shot, but Allah shot" (Sura al-Anfal 8:17).
enemies appears in this verse as a service to Allah and his worship. This Sura
exonerates all the fighters in the Jihad, and opens the door wide for every kind
of terrorism in Islam.
commanded them to continue fighting until the enemy is conquered completely
(Sura Muhammad 47:4). Collecting booty and taking women
and children as slaves is allowed afterwards (Sura Muhammad 47:4).
But if a hostage will accept Islam, he should be set free
immediately (Sura al-Anfal 8:70).
A basic
principle of Muhammad's war appears repeatedly in the Qur'an:
Take revenge on them in the measure in which they have
harmed you. Chase them away from places from which
they chase you! Kill them as they kill other Muslims
(Suras al-Baqara 2:190-191; al-Nahl 16:126 et al.).
Khomeyni said: "It is better to do injustice than to suffer
injustice!" But the law of Christ teaches us:
"It is better to suffer injustice than to insist on justice!"
The final
goal of Islamic war is not to take revenge for injustice suffered, but to make
Islam rule the world. The Qur'anic great commission
summarizes all other instructions on Islamic war:
them (with weapons) until there will be no more any temptation (to fall away
from Islam) and the religion of Allah (Islam) will rule everywhere" (Suras al-Baqara 2:193; al-Anfal
To this end
Muhammad assured his fighters: He (Allah) sent his messenger with right
guidance and the true religion, in order to grant victory over all other
religions, even when this is loathsome to the polytheists (Suras al-Fath
48:28; al-Saff 61:9).
After the
battle Allah will give the victorious sovereignty, wisdom, and everything they
(Sura al-Baqara 2,251)!
orders to shed blood have caused the deaths of millions of animists, Jews and
Christians. After some of these orders were
replaced by the enslavement of unbelievers, millions of bound and chained
people were led away into hellish bondage. In the Sudan
alone today, there are a hundred thousand enslaved animists and Christians who
suffer under their Muslim masters.
Moses, David and Solomon also waged bloody wars in the name of God.
But Jesus has turned this page over with a clean sheet.
He taught: "You have heard it said:
eye for eye, tooth for tooth (Exodus 21:24), but I say to
you, do not resist evil, rather: If someone strikes you on your
right cheek, then offer him the other one ..." (Matthew 5:38-42).
Jesus said to Peter: "Put
your sword in its place! For whoever lives by the sword
will die by the sword" (Matthew 26:52).
Jesus is and
remains the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9,6-7)!
His kingdom is not of this world (John 18,36).
He did not train his apostles in hand-to-hand combat, nor arm them with
murderous weapons (Matthew 10:8-10). Any
religious wars incited or lead by heads of churches are sinful.
Jesus preferred to die on the cross for his opponents, rather
then kill them. His followers were whipped and stoned
without resisting. But they blessed their enemies! Their
Lord had commanded them.
But Jesus
revealed: "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth" (Matthew
5:5). He commanded his followers: "Love your enemies, bless those who
curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who insult and
persecute you, so that you will be children of your Father who is in
heaven" (Matthew 5:44-45). His words annul Muhammad's commands to
In Islam the
attitude is opposite: Whoever kills Allah's enemies in a
war on his behalf will be rewarded! Whoever
falls in an unholy war of the Muslims, hopes to enter paradise.
With Christ
it is so different: Whoever kills in his name will be
punished and will go to hell.
The motive of
Jesus is love in truth and mercy with justice! Christ's
religion is from "above"! Muhammad's
religion comes from below. If Muhammad had lived before
Christ, his behavior would be understandable in part. But he
lived 600 years after Christ and went back to develop an anti-Christian
spirit by rejecting the non-violence of Christ and by threatening his spiritual
The kingdom of Christ and the kingdom of Muhammad are
complete opposites.
One of the
driving forces for the Muslim's attacks was the lust for booty!
Muhammad had to provide an income for his followers and refugees
from Mecca, so he stirred them up to attack the caravans of their adversaries.
The booty from these raids financed the consolidation of Islam in Medina and
solved the critical financial crises. Later
Muslim caliphs and rulers lived from the gold and the labor of tens of
thousands of slaves rounded up from worldwide conquests. Bedouins
and Muslims do not like to work hard or soil their hands.
For this they hire serfs and "paid specialists."
Muslims believe that they were born to rule!
jurists have chosen nine verses from the Qur'an to develop the law regarding
taking booty. In addition the Muslims' book contains
30 other verses that deal mainly with the treatment of female slaves.
This shows that more verses speak about the keeping and treatment
of slaves than about booty in the Qur'an. These captured slaves are
the core of the laws on booty.
The critical
point in taking booty is how it is distributed! Muhammad
repeatedly commanded the Muslims not to quarrel while distributing the booty.
He secured the role of arbitrator for himself.
All his decisions were indisputable and infallible (Suras
al-Anfal 8:10,41; al-Tawba 9:60; al-Hujurat 49:9; al-Hashr 59:6-7; al-Mumtahina
60:11 et al.).
"Allah and
Muhammad" received one fifth of the booty that was collected
after the victory of Muslim fighters (Sura al-Anfal 8:1, 41).
But if a fortress or an oasis surrendered without fighting, then
Muhammad or the general in charge of the attacking troops received everything!
All blood relatives, war orphans, poverty-stricken, disabled
veterans and travelers were to receive a part of the booty (Suras al-Anfal
8:41; al-Hashr 59:7). The distribution of the booty was
the high point of Muhammad's wars. The
greed for captured goods sometimes caused considerable tension among the
Muslims, because some figured that they had received less than others, and
Muhammad had to command them repeatedly to be obedient to him, to fear Allah
and to stop quarrelling (Sura al-Anfal 8:1, 69 et al.).
The Qur'an
explains that booty can best be collected from conquered cities and villages
(Sura al-Hashr 59:7). Another potential source of income
was the selling of prisoners and hostages for the highest possible ransom
(Suras al-Baqara 2:85; Muhammad 47:4). In Islam
Allah permits and commands taking hostages (!) and encourages the demand for
ransom at their release (!). Exchanging prisoners was another
way of releasing them.
said: Allah has promised you that you will collect much booty.
He allowed part of it to reach you quickly and kept people from
you (that they could not stop you). The
booty is a sign for the Believers that he, Allah, would lead them in the
straight path(!). (There is) another part (of the booty),
which you could not collect yet. But Allah has kept it for you.
Allah is capable of everything! (Sura
al-Fath 48,20-21).
After his
death, Muhammad's religiously founded teaching on booty incited Muslims to
their first wave of conquest (AD 632-732), which soon reached the gates of
Paris and Geneva in the west and Samarkand and the Indus River in the east.
Letting the conquered people work for them and cashing in on
their harvests and other earnings were considered a bounty for the Muslims who
seized control of the land. The practice of taking boys from
Christian families in the Balkans for the army of the Janissaries was a
legalized form of enslavement by Turkish sultans, who had 30,000 Christian boys
taken annually, converted them to Islam
and trained them for their palace guard and as police for the Ottoman Empire.
Warriors' Reward in Eternity
fighters and donors hoped to receive not only blessings from Allah in this
world, but also a concrete payment in paradise like a pension for their
efforts and sacrifices in the Jihad. Islam is
a religion of works-righteousness and not a religion of grace.
Muslims expect that the amount of their good deeds in the
celestial account will decide the quality of their future life!
fighters hope to enter straight into paradisiacal gardens with earthly
delights. These gardens are mentioned 124 times
in the Qur'an, especially in relation to Allah's soldiers in his military
enterprises (Suras al-Tawba 9:20-21 and 88-89 and 111; Muhammad 47:4-6; al-Fath
48:17; al-Saff 61:9-12 et al.). Many Muslims hope to inherit a number of Houris
(paradisiacal virgins) according to the number of enemies of Allah that they
killed in their attacks and wars.
The wars of
Muhammad, with their deprivations, hunger, injuries and casualties, are also
considered to be a source of good works for Muslims.
follower of Muhammad who is killed in a Holy War is not considered to be dead,
but alive with Allah (Suras al-Baqara 2:154; Al 'Imran
3:169; al-Nisa' 4:74; Muhammad 47:4; al-Fath 48:25 et al.)!
He has escaped the eternal fires through his heroic death (Sura
al-Saff 61:10). For this reason "criminals who
have been sentenced to death" are challenged in times of war to
participate in suicide missions, for which they would receive forgiveness of
their sins, justification and entrance into paradise with all its pleasures for
their "martyrdom."
This false
hope that taking part in a war for Allah or dying in battle in a suicide
raid would obtain forgiveness for even their major sins, is emphasized several
times in the Qur'an (Suras Al 'Imran 3:157-158 and 169-171 and 193-195;
al-Nisa' 4:100; al-Saff 61:9-12 et al.). For this
reason Muslims think that they don't need a savior or a redeemer, because
through their total commitment (Jihad), "with money and life," they
hope to earn mercy and justification. They
imagine that they do not need Jesus since they think that they can redeem
emphasized several times that war effort for Allah would bring the Muslims a
great reward (Suras al-Nisa' 4:74 and 95-96; al-Fath 48:29 et al.).
His propaganda was meant especially to raise financial support
and donations for the Holy War. Muhammad guaranteed that Allah
would repay in full everything that he had borrowed for his wars (Suras
al-Anfal 8:60; al-Fatir 34:39). The investments that the
Almighty receives through Muhammad will multiply in the heavenly bank (Suras
al-Baqara 2:245 and 261-262 and 265 and 274 and 277; al-Tawba 9:120; al-Hadid
57:7 et al.). All Muslims will receive the best on
the day of judgment, but the fighters even more so (Sura al-Nisa' 4:95-96)!
Donations before victory will bring a higher position in
paradise than donations after victory (Sura al-Hadid 57:10).
Allah wants to make everyone wealthy. This could be achieved
through voluntary investments for Allah's military goals.
He will give everyone who sacrificed his money and his
soul, great victory and success (Suras al-Tawba 9:72, 89, 111; al-Saff 61:12).
This religious philosophy may be analyzed in the Sura of
Allah has
bought the Believers their souls and their property, that they might gain
paradise. That is they must fight in the way of
Allah. They kill and will be killed according to a promise in the Torah, the
Gospel and the Qur'an. Who will be more faithful in
fulfilling his business contract (covenant) than Allah? Be very
happy about the sale in which you have sold yourself. This is the great
triumph! (Sura al-Tawba 9,111).
Muhammad had
heard from Christians that God redeemed sinners from the slave market of sin (I
Corinthians 6:20; I Peter 1:18-20 et al.). But he
turned the meaning of these spiritually glorious words upside down!
He insisted that Muslims have to pay the price by themselves and
should buy paradise with their own blood or with the blood of their enemies.
But the Gospel states that only God is able to pay the
price of redemption "through the priceless blood of Christ, an innocent
and unspotted lamb of God." In this way Muhammad replaced the
atoning death of Christ with the Muslims' shedding of blood in their unholy
Whoever understands the depths of this blasphemy will be deeply
moved and silent before this Islamic error and blasphemy.
Everyone who
opposes Muhammad or hinders Muslims from taking part in a war for Allah is
supposed to suffer the following punishments:
humiliating torture
(Suras al-Baqara 2:90; al-Nisa' 4:14, 37, 102, 151; al-Hajj 22:57; Luqman 31:6;
al-Ahzab 33:57; al-Mujadala 58:16 et al.).
A painful
torture: (Suras
al-Tawba 9:3, 34, 39, 79, 90; al-Hajj 22:25; al-Fath 48:16-17 and 25; al-Saff
61:10 et al.).
A severe ("shadeed") torture: (Suras al-Baqara 2:165; Al 'Imran
3:4; al-An'am 6:124; Yunus 10:70; Ibrahim 14:2, 7; al-Hajj 22:2; Saba' 34:46;
Fatir 35:7, 10 et al.).
A great
torture: (Suras
al-Baqara 2:7; Al 'Imran 3:105; al-Ma'ida 5:33, 41; al-Anfal 8:68; al-Tawba
9:101; al-Nahl 16:106 et al.).
greatest torture:
(Suras al-Sajda 32:20-21; al-Zumar 39:26; al-Qalam 68:33; al-Ghashiya 88:24).
The Arabic
word for torture or plague is "'adhāb" and means intense
suffering. The word appears over 320 times in the Qur'an(!); as a
fearsome scourge it is one of the basic elements in Muhammad's religion. It is
impossible to imagine the humiliating and painful punishments that have been
and are still being given to pacifists, converts, people suspected of spying,
prisoners or women in the wake of Allah's wars. The
verses mentioned above are enough to make clear to a sane person what kind of
spirit dwells in Muhammad and his Allah! One can hear about horrible plagues in
other religions as well. But the difference is that Allah himself has commanded
them in the Qur'an, and has introduced them into legally enforced punishments
as part of the Islamic law.
The Bible
also mentions the eternal suffering of those who have separated themselves from
the salvation of Christ. But Jesus forbids his followers to harbor any kind of
hatred, revenge and insult for their opponents in themselves, just as his
apostles command us to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:17-21).
inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church did not emerge from the commands and
laws of Christ and cannot be blamed on Jesus. But Muhammad legalized, justified
and himself carried out torture, plagues and killings in the name of Allah. His
revenge goes against the spirit of Christ.
declares: Allah will punish every unbeliever,
deserter and coward sooner or later. His
wrath will follow him wherever he turns (Suras al-Anfal 8:16; al-Tawba 9:2-5;
al-Nahl 16:106 et al.). But whoever opposes Allah and his
Islam openly or secretly will suffer one of the following punishments:
retribution for everyone who fight Allah and his messenger and who will spread
unrest (destruction) in the land, is that they shall be killed or crucified,
that their hands and diagonal feet shall be cut off and that they should be
wiped off the face of the earth! That is their reward in this
world. In the next world a mighty punishment is waiting for them (Sura al-Ma'ida 5:33).
This Qur'anic
verse is a part of Islamic criminal law that specifies the punishment for an
attack on Islam, or for inciting the public against Islam, or through mission
activities as an enticement to fall away from Islam! These
punishments are carried out today in countries where Islam is strong.
But where foreign embassies have an influence on the government,
the foreigners accused of these crimes are deported. It is
shocking that Islam legally demands the crucifixion of people who cause unrest,
but denies the historicity of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (Sura al-Nisa'
In order to
prevent attacks and riots, polytheists are not allowed to enter Mecca or the
Ka'ba, since they are considered unclean. They
will be roasted eternally in hell (Suras al-Baqara 2:217; al-Anfal 8:16;
al-Tawba 9:28,73; al-Tahrim 66:9 et al.).
Moreover, the
Qur'an requires that Muslims should not fight against women and children, only
against men (Sura al-Baqara 2:190). This is
a relatively good law. But the rape of countless women
during unrest and after conquests is more in line with the spirit of Islam.
should not fight against their allies or business partners (Suras al-Nisa'
4:90; al-Tawba 9:4, 7). Neutral tribes or countries are
not to be attacked either (Suras al-Nisa' 4:90; al-Tawba 9:4; al-Mumtahina
Guests who seek asylum with Islamic families should be protected
for a limited period in order to have the chance to know Islam (Sura al-Tawba
The Arabic custom of hospitality has modified the Islamic war machine
with this law.
repeated several times that Muslims should not fight unjustly (Sura al-Baqara
2:191 and 217 et al.) and he instructed them to stay within Allah's laws.
Basically those enemies should be attacked who attack Muslims or
harm them. But causing harm is a flexible concept
and can be interpreted in an unlimited number of ways (Suras al-Baqara 2:190;
al-Hajj 22:39).
But the
Qur'an defines clearly that every enemy who repents and accepts Islam, prays,
pays his religious tax (zakat) and fights for Allah has become a brother
of all Muslims and can no longer be attacked (Suras al-Baqara 2:192-193;
al-Tawba 9:5 and 11 et al.).
specifies those who are exempted from battle within his religious community.
People who are sick, weak, blind, or crippled, Muslims who live
in non-Muslim countries and anyone who has been caught in a rainstorm (Suras
al-Nisa' 4:98-99 and 102; al-Tawba 9:91; al-Hujurat 48:17).
The Qur'an
also indicates what a peace treaty could look like:
Do not
quit fighting and do not call for a peaceable solution prematurely, as long as
you have the upper hand! Allah is with you and will not
deprive you of the rewards of your effort (Sura Muhammad 47:35).
If the
enemy inclines towards a peaceful solution, then show that you are equally
inclined toward peace (but not too quickly), rather trust in Allah.
He hears and knows everything (Sura al-Anfal 8:61).
If they
fight you, then kill them! That is the reward of the unbelievers.
But if they quit, then Allah is forgiving and merciful (Sura al-Baqara 2:191b-192).
If they
distance themselves from you and stop and greet you in peace (salaam),
then Allah has not given you the possibility to fight them. - But you will find
others who want to make themselves safe against you and (be also friends)
against their own people. Every time they are tempted to
participate in a revolt, they fall again. If they
do not keep away from you, do not greet them with peace and if they do not keep
their hands away (from battle), seize and kill them wherever you find them!
Allah has clearly given you authority over such people (Sura al-Nisa' 4:90c-91).
Islamic jurisprudence
has developed a tricky system of arranging peace treaties from these Qur'an
verses. The Arabic language inspired them in
In Sura al-Anfal 8:61 and Muhammad 47:35 we read about a
temporary "little" peace or an effort to peace, but not about
the final peace. For Muslims it is impossible to agree
to a lasting peace with non-Muslims, at best expect a cease-fire.
Peace is legally possible only within states that are fully
under the Shari'a. For this, Islamic lawyers have divided the world up into
two parts, in the House of Islam, which is also called the House of
Peace "Dar al-Salaam" (Sura Yunus 10:25), and in a House of War. All non-Islamic and even liberal Islamic
countries belong to that last group. They should be threatened until Islam is fully
established in them.
The Arabic
word "Islam" is a derivation of the word salaam (peace)
and means peace-making in the sense that Islam will be established through this
peace. Christian minorities in Islamic countries are given tracts entitled:
aslim - taslim, which is, "if you become Muslims you
will have peace"! For the Shari'a there can be no peace outside of Islam,
at best only a waiting time to ponder.
should not greet Muslims with "salaam 'alaikum", for this
greeting means that they accept Islam as a basis for peace, which will be
realized either by free will acceptance or by force!
Christ in the
Qur'an is supposed to have introduced himself in Sura Maryam: Peace was on
me the day I was born and the day I die and the day I am sent alive (Sura
Maryam 19:33).
Every Muslim
knows that the Son of Mary never took part in an attack, nor in a war, because
Allah did not create him to be a man of violence (Sura Maryam 19:32). According
to the Qur'an Christ healed many sick people and raised up even the dead (Suras
Al 'Imran 3:49; al-Ma'ida 5:110). He was a man of mercy and peace. There was no
enemy blood on his hands. According to the Qur'an he is a peacemaker, the only
true Muslim who remained without sin (Sura Maryam 19:19).
But Muhammad
took part in 29 attacks and wars. He blessed a sword that had pierced through
the stomach of a leading Jew who had mocked him. There was much blood on
Muhammad's hands. He is dead and awaiting judgment in the intermediate state (barzach).
That is why all Muslims, even Allah and his angels, should pray for him, that
he may find peace (Sura al-Ahzab 33:56).
But Jesus
lives with Allah
(Suras Al 'Imran 3:55; al-Nisa' 4:158). He is actually the Son of Man who was "brought
near" to the Father, that he would receive all authority and power in
heaven and earth (Daniel 7:13-14). The image of Jesus Christ as the Prince of
Peace shimmers in a distorted fashion in the Qur'an as well. There will be no
peace, whether in Islam or in the world, apart from in the spiritual peace of
Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). The request of the Lord's Prayer: Your Kingdom
come! remains the most important request until today, so that the devilish
temptation of ruling by power and might may be overcome by the gentleness and
humility of the Lamb of God
We testify
with Johann Christoph Blumhardt (1805-1880) in his hymn:
It remains
decided for eternity
that Jesus is victorious!
After his death on the cross
he was raised to the throne.
Jesus reigns forever!
(EKG, a German Lutheran Hymnal, Nr. 428)
often-quoted Bible message will also prove to be true for Muhammad and his
Islam: The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I make
your enemies a footstool under your feet (Psalm 110:1).
The hymn of
praise in the letter of the apostle Paul to the church in Philippi (Philippians
2:5-11), as well as his testimony in the letter to the church in Rome (Romans
16:20), interpret the previous promise of the enthronement given to David. The
enthronement of the Lamb of God is the seal of this changeless reality.
VIII - Critical Reactions of Modern Muslims to the Martial Law of the Qur'an
The majority
of Muslims cleverly evade the demands of the Qur'an that all believing Muslims
should fight in the Jihad with a weapon in their hands. They claim: These
decrees and laws were only applicable for Muhammad's time! But we live in a
different time and are blessed by the efforts of the first generations of
Muslims. These Qur'anic commands applied to them perfectly, but not to us. We
belong to a kind, peace-loving modern Islam.
Other Muslims
are more sober and choose the word jihād (total effort) as the
ruling theme of their faith and life. They suggest: Today we must fight
poverty, overpopulation, illiteracy, corruption and pollution. So let us
sacrifice time, strength and money in order to improve the living conditions in
Islamic countries! These active idealists close their eyes to the reality of
the Qur'an, which clearly summons to "qitāl," to fight with a
weapon in the hand. In any case, they channel a remarkable part of the energy
of their religious community into positive tracks.
governments of the more than 50 Islamic countries are not prepared to leave the
call to Holy War to the religious leaders of Islam. Since the Umayyad era, they
divided the Shari'a into secular and religious, official and personal laws.
According to the religious leaders, martial and criminal laws are under the
jurisdiction of the secular Islamic governments. The duties of worship and the
rules of everyday life remained under the jurisdiction of the mosque and their
leaders. Islam is divided in executing the Shari'a and has become schizophrenic
as a religious state.
In view of
this, fundamentalists fight with all their might against the liberal Islamic
governments, so that their ideal law, the Shari'a, could be instituted not only
in part, but completely. Liberal Islamic governments with their modern laws
should be toppled from power.
The secular
governments on the other side, see themselves forced to imprison, to hang and to
silence Qur'anic fanatics. The Islamic Reformation has caused several bloody
civil wars during the past 50 years in different Islamic lands. The goal of
the fundamentalists is fully to introduce the Shari'a with its comprehensive
marital and criminal law. The struggle is still under way.
A compromise
between liberal principles and fundamentalist goals can be seen in the world
mission of the Muslims. By undermining or infiltrating western companies,
banks and governments with finances from their oil-productions, the influence
of the Muslims increases in East and West. Arabic language, schools, guest
workers and foreign students, mosques on all continents and mixed marriages
between Muslims and non-Muslims are planned to increase the presence of Muslims
in the "House of War". The Muslim minorities with their increasing
numbers in Christian countries demand social and political rights, Islamic
religious lessons in public schools and political recognition in questions of
religious taxation, to be anchored not only socially but also legally. The
financial, economic, social and educational "holy war" in Europe and
in the USA has already started. Western countries consciously or unconsciously
support the Muslims in their countries through child, unemployment and social
benefits. At the same time many Muslim leaders oppose and try to stop
the integration of the Muslims in western countries through a resurgence of
Islamic faith.
While it
varies from country to country, about 10 to 25 percent of the Muslim population
are fundamentalist. They are mainly portrayed as extremists in western media,
but they are actually the only ones who want to fulfill the Qur'an literally.
Liberal and humanistic Muslims, however, are pronounced guilty by the book of
the Muslims! The fundamentalists should not be considered to be extremists,
rather the Qur'an is the source of radical Islam. The syncretists of the
West do not want to recognize this fact. But as long as the Qur'an exists in
its present form the fundamentalists will be the only loyal Muslims. Ayatollah
Khomeyni was their shining example.
According to
the German secret service, there are about 20,000 Muslim fundamentalists living
in Germany. Their own liberal governments are persecuting some of them. They
are all under surveillance by the German secret service. The potential of an
Islamic underground army exists invisibly in the heart of Europe and can be
stirred up into combat at any time by agitators like Saddam Hussain or Jamal Abd al-Nassr, Ayatollah Khomeyni or Osama Bin Laden.
This applies to most other countries on earth. As long as the Qur'an calls for
the death of all unbelievers, all that is needed is a spark in the gunpowder to
start an Islamic world war – on the condition that the gunpowder was not
spoiled by the materialism of the West!
should recognize and accept the challenge of the hour that the so-called
mission field has come to their own home country. It has never been so easy to
offer the Gospel to Muslims without danger! But who is obeying the command of
the risen Lord to evangelize all Muslims? Is it only a small percentage of
Christians, the keen evangelical, who practice religious obedience while the
majority thinks of itself in a syncretistic pessimistic manner? The existence
of Muslims in our countries makes us responsible before Jesus Christ who will
one day say to us on the Last Day: "What you have done to the least of
these, my brothers, you have done to me" (Matthew 25:40).
you have studied this booklet carefully, you can easily answer the following
questions. Whoever answers 90 percent of all questions in the different
booklets of this series correctly, can obtain a certificate from our center on
Advanced Studies
in understanding the Qur'anic roots of the Shari'a of Islam
an encouragement for his/her future services for Christ. It will be appreciated
if you include the Qur'anic references in your answers.
1. How many verses in the Qur'an call Muslims legally binding to
their Holy War?
2. What had been the main reason for the disagreement between
Muhammad and the merchants of Mecca?
3. How many Muslims asked the Christians in Ethiopia for asylum,
when they were severely persecuted in Mecca?
4. How did Muhammad secure legally his immigration from Mecca to
Medina 622 A.D.
5. How did Muhammad care and provide food and all necessary goods
for living for his starving refugees in Medina?
6. Why was the Battle of Badr the turning point in the attitude of
the Muslims towards the Holy War?
7. How did Muhammad get rid of the opposing Jewish tribes in
8. What basic changes brought the clever compromise of Hudaibiyat
to the Muslims?
9. How far had been the wars of Muhammad wars of defense or wars
of attacks?
10. What does the Qur'an
reveal about contacts and helps by spirits and so-called angels for the Holy
War or spread of Islam?
11. Why is kidnapping, taking
hostages and slaves in Islam considered as a grace of Allah – until today?
12. What remains the final aim
of all efforts and battles in the Holy War of the Muslims? What does the word
"Islam" mean?
13. What are the differences
in understanding the Holy War according to the terms: Jihād, qitāl,
fi sabīl Allah? How much is the Holy War in Islam an intellectual struggle
or strife or a bloody religious fight and combat? Where in the Qur'an is the
term "Holy War" written?
14. What does it mean that
Muhammad considered the Holy War predestinated and prescribed in the heavenly
books of the Muslims?
15. What does the phrase:
"Fight in His war" and "fight in Him," mean (Sura al-Hajj
16. Why did Muhammad anchor
his call to the Holy War often in the Qur'an? Why were his Muslims in the
beginning not ready to attack the caravans of Mecca?
17. Why did Muhammad call the
unbelievers the worst animals and fought them without tolerance and mercy?
18. What was the crime of the
polytheists, that they had to be crashed? Why are Christians often considered
as polytheists too?
19. Who are the greatest
enemies of the Muslims? What does this mean for the problems in Middle East?
20. Why did Muhammad curse de
Christians and fight them until they were subjugated?
21. Which kinds of Muslims
should be fought too? What does this mean for liberal Muslim governments?
22. Why are missionaries or
tentmakers considered often as spies or criminals worse than murderers (Sura
al-Baqara 2:217)?
23. Why did Muhammad command
all Muslims not to engage with Jews and Christians into friendship (Sura al-Ma'ida
5:51)? What does this mean for evangelistic activities?
24. How did Muhammad prepare
his followers in additional ways and stir them up for combat? What does it mean
that he claimed "war is deceit and deception"?
25. Why should Muslims
concentrate in Allah continuously when entering into the battle?
26. How often did Allah and
Muhammad command the Muslims to kill straightforward the unbelievers, the
polytheists, the animists (and the converts from Islam to Christianity)? Write
down the special verse numbers in the Qur'an.
27. Where is it written that
Muslims should be hard in combat and cut the heads of the enemies? But why
should he not take revenge more than he suffered from his enemy before?
28. How did Muhammad justify
and comfort his followers, after they had killed some of their relatives among
the enemies of Islam (Sura al-Anfal 8:17)?
29. What does the Great
Commission in Islam say verbally, where is it written and what does it mean to
all Christians on the globe?
30. What are the benefits of
the Holy War for the Muslims in this life? How many verses in the Qur'an reveal
the right to have slaves?
31. How big was the portion of
the bounty Allah and Muhammad received? How does this part of the revenue from
the oil production in Muslim countries spur the renaissance of Islam everywhere
32. What kind of benefits do
Muslim fighters expect in Paradise? Where is it written, that every fighter,
who dies in a battle for Allah shall be ascended to paradise immediately? How
shall death in Holy War bring forgiveness of all sins?
33. How did Muhammad promise,
that substantial donation for the Holy War will materialize in Paradise?
34. Why did Muhammad implement
horrible punishments and torture for his opponents, traitors and enemies? How
often can you find in the Qur'an the Arabic term "'adhāb"
for pain, torment, agony, punishment and chastisement? How did Muhammad specify
the increased steps of punishments?
35. What are the special punishments for creating unrest in the country (Sura
al-Ma'ida 5:33)?
36. Which Muslims are exempted
from participating in the battles of the Holy War?
37. Which are the regulations
for armistice agreements or for final peace in the Qur'an?
38. How do liberal or modern
Muslims explain Jihad (Holy War)?
39. What do the fundamentalists
feel, that they should do in these liberal Muslim states and how do these
Muslim governments react to their activities?
40. How did the defeat of
Muhammad at Uhud create the greatest victory of Islam that we are facing today
more and more?
41. What did Jesus say to
Peter when he took the sword for his defense?
42. How should Christians look
at their enemies and how should we treat them according to the Gospel?
43. What did you gain from
this lecture for your own situation and what would you like to know more
participant in this quiz is allowed to use any book at his disposition and to
ask any trustworthy person known to him when answering these questions. We wait
for your written answers including your full address on the papers or in your
e-mail. We pray for you to Jesus, the living Lord, that He will call, send,
guide, strengthen, protect and be with you every day of your life!
Yours in His service,
Servants of the Lord
Send your replies to:
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Weirton, WV 26062
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